"Who wants to see my HOH room!?" Jacob yells.
Nick in DR: Not me.
"I do!" Kylee yells.
Austin in DR: I walk in and see a PS4 and FOOD! He is my new best friend, now.
"Are you even going to eat all this food?" Kylee said.
"Of course I won't." Jacob said.
"Yes, Julie." Candace said.
The HOH must choose 3 house guests to be on the block this week. Choose wisely.
Jacob in DR: I heard Julie loud and clear. This gives me an opportunity to put up Nick, Kale, and Jada. But, I think I'll talk to Jada first.
The whole house gasps as if they saw a dead person.
The Nominations must be chosen in 60 minutes.
Nick in DR: I am gone! I need to talk to him.
"Can I talk to you?" Nick says.
"I don't know why not." Jacob says.
"You can't put me up this week." Nick says
"Why, you are not my friend." Jacob says
"I'll get you far in the game." Nick says
"I don't know. I'll think" Jacob says
Nick in DR: He is getting me mad. He needs to keep me.
Houseguests. It's time for a Nomination ceremony.
.Nick- Block
.Candace-SafeNick, Kale, and Jada I nominate you for eviction. This meeting is adjourned.
Nick in DR: I want to talk to him and get closer. Maybe, he'll help me out.
Jada in DR: He is on my last nerve, I am going to go full on batshit with him.
Kale in DR: He is going down next week.
Next Day
Houseguests, Picking the Veto this week will be simple. Will the HOH please pick 2 players to play Veto and come out here.
"I pick Britnee and Hailey." Jacob says.
Please meet me in the backyard.
Jacob in DR: It is so tasty out here. We have 5 giant Ice Creams out here.
You must find the Veto at the bottom of the Ice Cream, first one to find it wins Veto.
Let's skip to the results
Jacob - Lost
Hailey - Won
Jada - Lost
Kale - Lost
Nick - LostHailey, Please pick who you want to use the Veto on.
"Julie, I would like to not use the Veto."
Thank you Hailey