Evictions and HOH

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"Are you going to vote to keep me?" Kristen says to Deaven

"It is a very risky move. I think maybe, you should talk to the other houseguests." Deaven says.

"Why, you don't like Candace." Kristen says

"I've never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth." Deaven says.

"I wasn't putting any words in your mouth. That's what you told me." Kristen says.

"You know what. You were so nice in the beginning, now you're just rude."
Deaven says.

"Why did you even come here." Kristen says.

"To win." Deaven yells.

"You are getting evicted this week!" Deaven says.

"What's going on." Jada says to Kylee.

"I don't know. But, Deaven is giving Kristen what she deserves." Kylee says.

"I think I might evict Candace." Jada says.

"Why?" Kylee says

"It is a thing that no one else has the bravery to do it.' Jada says.

"Kristen is going to go to final two if we don't do this now." Kylee says.

"Okay, well the eviction is in thirty minutes." Jada says.

"Maybe, we should team with Deaven." Kylee says.

"I already have her back." Jada says.

Houseguests. Please cast your votes to evict this week.

Let's skip to the results.
.Deaven - Kristen
.Jace - Kristen
.Britnee - Kristen
.Kylee - Kristen
.Hailey - Kristen
.Jada - Candace
.Jacob - Kristen
.Kale - Candace
.Austin - Candace
.Issac - Candace
.Vincent - Kristen
.Winter - Candace

Houseguests, the votes are in. From a vote 7-5

Kristen, you've been evicted from the Big Brother house.

"Bye, guys." I'll see you in the final two!" Kristen said in excitement.

Houseguests, get ready for the HOH Competition.

Jacob in DR: I am so ready to win this thing. Me and Deaven need to make an alliance.

Houseguests, you must open a door and get in the door until you find the key in the dark room. Pick wisely.

Let's skip to the results.

Congratulations, Candace, you've won the HOH Competition.

Please hand the key over to Candace.

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