Kristen in DR: Hailey might not be leaving, but Brittanie is.
"Are you going to evict me?" Brittanie whispers to Hailey.
"No, you haven't done anything to me. Why would I even think about evicting you?" Hailey says.
"Well, Jacob is going to evict Austin, for the alliance." Brittanie says.
"Jacob is going to win HOH and put Kristen and Candace up." Hailey said.
"Why Candace?" Brittanie questioned
"Kristen, Candace, Elizabeth, and Winter have an alliance." Hailey said.
"Oh my gosh, I knew it. I heard the word Exterminators out of all of their mouths." Brittanie said.
Jacob walks in the room.
"America picked me to pick the houseguest. I pick Elizabeth." Jacob said.
"Omg, really." Hailey said.
"I think Elizabeth will be evicted." Brittanie said.
"But, what sup." Jacob said.
"Oh nothing, do I have your vote?" Brittanie said.
"Of course, I wouldn't evict you." Jacob said.
"Elizabeth is leaving right?" Hailey said.
"Unless, Kristen gets enough votes." Jacob said.
Brittanie in DR: So, I heard Kristen might have enough votes to evict me. Mhh, pretty shady.
"I am going to talk to Kristen, maybe she'll tell me what's up." Brittanie said.
Brittanie walks up to HOH room.
"Hey, can we talk?" Brittanie said.
"Sure." Kristen said.
"Why are you trying to evict me. What did I do?" Brittanie said.
"I just have a feeling you're a threat to my game, and you are leaving." Kristen said.
Brittanie runs out of the room.
Houseguests, its time for the live eviction.
But first, One of you have been put up by Americans Favorite Houseguest and that person is Elizabeth. Please take a seat.
Tonight, one of you will leave this house. But, one of you will not participate in the HOH comp.
The whole house gasps.
Ok, let's vote.
Let's skip to the results.
.Jace - Elizabeth
.Britnee - Elizabeth
.Kylee - Elizabeth
.Hailey - Elizabeth
.Jada - Elizabeth
.Jacob - Elizabeth
.Kale - Austin
.Issac - Brittanie
.Vincent - Brittanie
.Winter - Brittanie
.Candace - BrittanieFrom a vote, 6-1-4, Elizabeth, you've been evicted from the Big Brother house.
"Bye, love yall." Elizabeth said.
"Bye girl." Jacob said.
Kristen in DR: I am dead. I don't have their trust, and now one of my alliance members are gone. Bad news for me.
Houseguests. It's time for HOH comp.
This Competition is all about monkey business. Count the monkeys in one room, then subtract it from the other.
Let's skip to the results.
Congratulations, Brittanie, you've won HOH, Kristen hand over the key to Brittanie.
Brittanie in DR: I have won HOH, and now Kristen will be leaving. I need a pawn.
Kristen in DR: Great, now I have to talk to Brittanie. She will understand that I wasn't really after her.
Jacob in DR: Yes, Kristen will be leaving. I am thinking about helping her.
Players, Calm Down, there will not be an eviction this week, it'll be a double eviction.
Kristen in DR: Thanks Julie, I am not happy with the results.
I'll keep you updated.