Jacob in DR: It's a bad thing that Candace is HOH this week. Maybe, she will target me.
"Hey Deaven, can we talk." Jacob says.
"Sure, as long as it is game related." Deaven says.
"I think you need me in your alliance." Jacob says.
"I think that we do need you, but at a later point." Deaven says.
Deaven in DR: He has found out about the alliance.
Jacob in DR: My plan is to say Deaven has an alliance, so she would spill the beans.
"At a later point?" Jacob says.
"We have enough people as of now. When one of my fellow alliance members get evicted, you will be asked to join." Deaven says.
"Okay, but do you have my back at all times." Jacob says.
"100%" Deaven says
"I am trusting you." Jacob says.
"I am trusting you also." Deaven says.
Jacob leaves to HOH room.
"Hey, Candace, can we talk?" Jacob says.
"Sure." Candace says.
"So, I feel like I will be on the block this week." Jacob says.
"You are 100% safe. I feel really good about you staying." Candace says.
"Okay. I am feeling better." Jacob says.
"I am going to bed." Candace says.
"Okay, Goodnight." Jacob says.
Jacob walks downstairs
"Hey, Austin" Issac says.
"What." Austin says.
"We need to talk with Winter, Candace, and Kale." Jacob says.
"Why Kale?" Issac says.
"Because, he's been laying low, and we could use him." Austin says.
"I don't know." Issac says.
"Just get him." Austin says.
Isaac walks to Winter and Kale.
"We need to talk in the HOH room." Issac says.
Kale in DR: I see that Issac comes up to me and asks to speak to me in the HOH room. Maybe, we will have an alliance.
"Let's go." Kale says.
They all walk up to the HOH room.
"Wake up sleepy head." Winter says.
She wakes up and yawns.
"Yes." Candace says.
"We need to talk about the nominations for tomorrow." Austin says.
"I was thinking of putting Vincent, and Brittanie up for eviction."
"Put up Jacob." Austin says.
"I already said I will not put him up, so no." Candace says.
"Well, if any of us get America's Favorite Player, then put him up." Issac says.
"Ok." Winter says.
Winter in DR: I hope that Jacob doesn't go up. Only because of our friendship in School.
"Ok I am going to bed." Candace says.
"Goodnight, beautiful." Winter says.
"Goodnight." Candace says.
It's 8 AM. Deaven gets called to the Diary Room.
Deaven in DR: So, I pick up a note and it says that I have won the Americas Favorite Player. Goodbye, Hailey.
"Jacob, wake up." Deaven says.
"What." Jacob says.
"Do not tell anybody, but I won America's Favorite Player." Deaven says.
Jacob gets up and dances with Deaven.
"This could mean Hailey could leave." Jacob says.
Deaven, please come to the Diary Room.
"Talk to you in a minute." Deaven says.
"Okay." Jacob says.
Robot in DR: Deaven, who do you pick for the third houseguest.
Deaven in DR: I sadly pick Hailey.
"Houseguests, it is time for the nomination ceremony." Candace says.
"I, Candace, have the power to put up two nominations for this week." Candace says.
"But first, I have to reveal who America's Favorite Player has nominated this week." Candace says.
"America's Favorite Player has nominated Hailey for eviction." Candace says.
Hailey in DR: Really Deaven. Why did you do that.
Candace in DR: Yay! One of them are going home.
"But, I have nominated Brittanie and Vincent for eviction. I wish both of you the same rights to compete. Please, do not take this a personal thing. It is just a game thing. This meeting is adjourned."
Brittanie in DR: Really, why me.
Vincent in DR: I am not even worried at this point. Not only did my alliance switch on me. But, I kinda switched on them.
Jacob in DR: I am upset that Vincent is on the block and this could mean that Brittanie will go home.
Houseguests. Tonight you will battle for the Veto. Yes, it is still nomination night, but this week is a week full if twists.
First Candace must spin the wheel to find out two more contestants to play the Veto.
The people that have been randomly chosen is Jace and Jacob.
Please meet us in the backyard.
The backyard has been transformed to a race track. Race your cars through time.
Let's skip to the results.
Congratulations, Candace, you've won the Veto. Please grab the Veto key.
Please. Pick now.
I choose to not use it.
Stay Tuned.