Chapter Thirteen:Haven Or Hell?

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A/N:This AMV is Anime Mix-Im Blue it is the second video on YouTube if you search it.It has over 639K views.The song is I'm Blue by Eiffel 65.

― Anonymous, The Arabian Nights
August 10,2025

Valar's POV (lots of questions answered! Like: Do Valar's parents like him? If not, why doesn't he just go to Kira? Asked by crazyclarinet )

'Why, why did I agree to this? All I'm doing is hurting myself and Kira.'

"Valar-San!"Kira's young voice echoed in my head.

'No, stay away.I'm horrible, I don't need you, I

Hate you.'

Flash Back:

"Valar-San, what's wrong? You seem down."9 year old Kira asked , sitting down next to me on the grass.

I was 8 months older than Kira and I was still shorter.

"Nothing, leave me be."I growled, watching the cars drive by on the high way below us.

Kira frowned while outing her hands behind her back.No sooner did she frown,it was turned back into a smile.

She sat down next to me in the grass, staring at the cars too.Her blue eyes followed each car.

After a few minutes of silence, she finally spoke up.

"You know, I've done and regretted things.That doesn't mean that you should too.You're not alone, your not like me.You are stronger than this."And with that, she stood back up and left, leaving me staring after her in shock.

Then, I looked down at the grass where she was sitting earlier.

"I hate you, you don't understand anything."I whispered.

She stopped walking, her hair covering her bangs.

"I've done things I regret, I've pushed friends away, I've........ Lost a safe home."I whispered.

"You don't know anything about me either.I've done worse things, things that will cause me to go to hell, not heaven.No, heaven won't accept me now that I'm too far gone."Kira muttered, her hair still covering her eyes.

I looked at her questionably.

"But, that doesn't mean that it's too late to sucre your spot in heaven.When you die, forget about me, k?"Kira asked.

"Why?"I asked her.

She turned around, smiling at me as the wind softly blew her black hair to the right.Even though she was smiling, her eyes weren't, tears were pouring out of them.

"Because, I love you, Valar-San."Kira said.

End flash back

Now I truly understand what she meant, she killed 23 people in SAO, real, living people.

And she killed them without any hesitation.

[Remember, Valar doesn't know bout the killing when she was younger and about the abuse and science experiment.So, he's basically in the dark on Kira though, he's her best friend which doesn't make much sense but, okay]

Kira doesn't deserve my pity over Dina.

But, even though I think that,my heart aches at the thought of Kira crying.

"Valar, dear, take a bath with me."Carla said, more a command than a question.

I just nodded.

I can't say no to Carla.No, it's more like Im not allowed.My family loves me dear and is only thinking abut my future.It took them years to finally get the Hokida family to agree to the marriage agree that once Carla and I got married, their HUDGE company will combined with my families small company and we would be rich.

But maybe, I don't want to be rich anymore.

When I was younger, I always loved the idea of being rich.But now that I'm 18, I must make the choice between love and money.I want to choose love but, I for want to upset my parents.

They loved me enough to go to all the trouble to get a big company to agree to marry into our family.

That's why I hate Kira, she's making me choose.

I've only been in France for a little while but it feels like forever.

Carla keeps on trying to get into my pants, wanting a child for the heir. But, I don't want a hold with Carla, O want one with Kira, she's the only one I love.

I just stood there, at the railing of my balcony.

"Kira, just what have you been doing sense we got out of SAO?"I asked the stars I was staring up at.

'I need to choose if this is a Haven or a hell, Kira, I need to know which one you have chosen.'

Kira's POV

I haven't left my room in 4 days, staying in bed, not eating or sleeping, fear keeping me from doing anything.

'Am I even safe? Am I in a Haven? Or, am I in hell? I can't tell the difference any more.But, I'm positive I'm in hell.'I thought, finally managing to fall asleep, being tossed into a nightmare.
Q&A then, A/N!

crazyclarinet asked Valar:
Do your parents love you? And, if your parents dot love you, then why don't you go to Kira?

1.Valar:"My parents do love, too much, really."
2."Since my parents love me so much, I feel obliged to do something big in my life to show my parents that I'm grateful for their love.But, If I could, I would go to Kira, I'm just in a mental prison right now and I can't, my parents are holding me back."

A/N: I hope that this chapter explained a lot! And, can you guys answer me this please? So, the question is:Id this book getting boring?I'll update Either tomorrow or Monday!

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