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Glory trailed behind them. As much as she wanted to scream 'hurry up! Scarlets out their slowsloths!' She didn't. She was being stealthy. And as much as Deathbringer said she wasn't, she really REALLY was.

Annnd, they're resting. Again. She flew to where a mountain top curved over a scavenger den, hustling around. Cute. To Glory, they sounded like a dragon scolding a young dragonet- but scavengers.

She saw a torch thing being loaded on a catapult but dismissed her worries, shooing them away with an imaginary claw. I wonder what Scarlet will think when i suddenly reappear. Anyway, if anyone intervenes, I can just kill them. 

Glory remembered herself thinking that when she first met Deathbringer. She hadn't thought about what his reaction would be- oh, how she wished she could see that. His charming wit and mournful face looking at her hut brought a twist of guilt in her stomach.

But, she couldn't focus on that now. A flicker of a flame caught her attention and saw them lighting the torch. Wait a minute! Three moons, thats a weapon! 

As the scavengers launched the first one she couldn't stop it. She knocked the second one off the catapult and hurried away.

*             *            *

When Glory stopped flying again, Moon and the others lit a fire and went to sleep. Ten minutes passed when Winter and Moon went under a tree. Wonder what THATS about. Aw! Maybe they'll fall in love. She thought arrogantly. 

She sighed I'd better get to sleep as well. Her eyelids drooped heavily and closed around her, shaping darkness around her sleek body.

GlorybringerWhere stories live. Discover now