Kaleb's pov

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I sat down at the table eating until I was full.. By the time I was done the girls were Just then coming downstairs, I could tell that every single one of them had been crying. Rein sat down at a chair silently. "you have to eat rein. " Jessamae said. " why can't I just go upstairs I mean what's the point? " rein said. She ran upstairs. No one bothered to run after her. I waited for the other 2 girls to finish eating. I walked upstairs and checked on rein I heard crying , her bathroom door was locked I banged on the door finally it busted open.. And I'll I could see was her wrists bleeding out I screamed to the top of my lungs for jessamae to call 911. She and Emily ran upstairs while talking to help she hung up and tried bandaging her wrists but they were bleeding out. I made sure she still had a pulse it was very slow. Emily ran out of the room screaming. I held reins head up while telling her to please stay with us.. I was so shaky and I was crying g so hard.. I heard sirens and people running up the steps I screamed IN HERE! HELP! Reins pulse was barley there. They took her out of my hands I lied there in her blood jessamae followed them and so did Emily and I. We rode in the back with rein . I waited impatiently for us to arrive.. Knowing that my daughter was "fading" Once again I felt her pulse it was gone I screamed at them to tell them to do something.. We had arrived we ran to a room and they had started CPR. The doctors shoved my wife and Emily and me out leaving me on my knees praying to god she will get through this. All I could hear was "clear" I completely zoned out. I didn't know how I was supposed to leave tomorrow morning. Rein was dying. Soon after the doctors told us that she had busted 2 if her veins and she barely lived. And that she would get to come home in a few hours.

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