An Amazing Start to Life

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hello i am carl vlad pacman grimes i am a 6 teen year old boy who pretends to be traumatized by the gay porn that my daddy-o used to strap me down to watch when i was only a little boy maybe 3 years old but i am truly thankful that i was introduced to gay porn at such a young age i am very lucky child who is now benefited by it now because i know all of the moves and now i have my own site is is called ok do not know what i am talking about sit back and let me tell you it was a long time ago maybe two years ago i do not know because i can not count that high but i have had this girlfriend named brookelynn blake she is beautiful her pretty colored eyes had so much color they were very gorgeous and her hair was so long it was longer than my penis and the color was nicer than my penis too but that is not important what is important is that she picked me over patrick patrick is an ugly piece of shit who used to have a massive crush on daryl dixon but then brooke came along and then he got a very big boner for her but she did not know because he fainted every time she was near so i was good because the only time i fainted was when the grease in my flakey dandruff filled hair gets too heavy for my head and it crushes my brain inside of my skull which is quite often but that is ok because i am still hotter and then one day brookelynn was in the mens shower at the prison in cellblock c because the womens did not work and one say i snuck in and saw the weirdest thing instead of a penis she had weird chodes on her chest and i puked so hard and ignored her for a week until she asked what was wrong and i told her that i did not love her anymore so even though she started to cut i was ok with that because it was not until then that i realized that i am a homosexual and it turns out that her uncle governor philip blake had called her a harlet and picked her up and slashed her wrists for her and then she bled to death and he ended up selling her body to gareth west who did something with it i do not know maybe he rape her or maybe he make hamburgers of her but that is another story so then one day i remember her and my bestie finn and i walked into his cell and found him sitting on his bed witha smashed picture frame of her and glass all over and he was slitting his wrists too and i called carol and made her wrap that niggers arms in her cancer bandanas and then i was sort of flirting with him but he thought i was just being nice because his bestie was dead but i was really trying to find a way to wriggly my wong into his pants but then one day he was in the shower and i went "this is a perfect chance to give him prostate cancer" and did a pacman face with my face and i sneaked into the shower room and grabbed a bar of soap and whipped it across the room so that is shattered and then i ran in with no clothes on crying and went to pick up the pieces keeping my back toward fin and then bending over and giving him the perfect chance to shove his wriggle into my butt but he did not and i cut for a month after before carol found out but when i stood up finns penis was flaccid as ever but mine was hard so hard you could crush someones skull and i turned so bright red because he knew i was homosexual and i knew he was not so i went to run out of the shower but he kept looking at me and then i slipped and cracked my face off of the floor and then when i woke up hershel was sitting above my naked body with stitches in my forehead and still no clothes on and when i because less light headed i noticed that he was not wearing any clothes either so i flung myself up and saw his chode which was pointed further north than the needle on a compass and this to me was very nice so then he was my first lover but our relationship only lasted for two weeks because one time we were doing the dirty and guess who walked in ya you guessed it daryl so then when hershel was sleeping one day daryl murdered him and then raped me but even though i was okay with it becase homo is for me i was still sad because i was in love with hershel and we were engaged and getting married in 3 days after he died so then the next day i was so emo that i climbed onto a watch tower naked and when finn tried to stop me i showed him the slashes all up my arms and legs and i jumped off and as i was falling from the tower i heard finn laughing but it was too late because i was dead which makes no sense because i am the narrator of this story but who cares this is my after life as a black man witha very large wriggle wong

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