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hello i am finn taylor as you read in the last chapter i hanged myself but that is not true no i did not hang myself now as you know that was from carl vlad pacman grimes' point of view but this is my story based on my story so once upon a time i lived at a prison in cellblock c and yes my girlfriend brookelynn blake (oh ya she was having an affair because she said carls grease made horrible lube because of how crusty and dry it always was she said that scraping it off the inside of his pants was no fun and carol agreed she hated having to scrape off his jizz diapers because she only had 2 that he used for 76 hours at a time) but she was called a harlot girl and murdered by philip governor james blake and sure i got off to this serval times but when carl said that i cut and hanged myself this is not true i have known carl for a long time and he is an ash hole he is a liar and manipulates people and he has a way of putting words together to make it sound like i am the bad boy but no i am only a bad boy in bed with brookelynn anyways it was late one night when carol tucked me in to sleep she was crying and i asked her why and she said it was because after she tucked me in she would have to go to carls cell and tuck him in and jerk him off because daryl was out baby sitting judith in the woods and strangely enough rick said this was okay but everyone knew that daryl and judith were the biggest most baddest o t p in our lives and then i sat and thought for a second and then said carol why do you not just pour gasoline on his sheets and the light him on fire when he is tucked in because that woud be hilarious and if i record we can maybe go on the show jackass so carol got a can of gas and lighters and poured gasoline all over carl when he pretended to sleep but carl was not sleeping no he was wide awake his eyes were just closed because he heard finn tell carol to kill him so when i went to bed that night carl jumped out of his bed and shanked carol and then left her body in his cell for later and then he ran out with only his tighty whities on which strangely enough had shit stains all up the back and he went to go into my cell but he noticed that i was sleeping so he carved things into my wrist like "harlot lover" "fat nigger" and more funny terms like that the terms i called carl when tyreese and i bullied him and then when i woke up there was a rope around my neck and he was hauling me into the ceiling and i tried to stop him but there was no use not anymore because i was already dangling from the roof and if i was carl i would be laughing but just before i died he was standing there and a pee puddle started to form around his feet and then they had a funeral for me but carl didnt attend then two months later before the prison battle actually i was back alive i still didnt know what carl did to caros body but who would want to know that is deskusting but then i dug mysekf out of the ground and started to crawl around like a rodent would oh shit i thought and jumped to my feet i do not want lizzie to catch me and sprawl my body across a board so i started to walk back to prison when i heard someone behind me whisper "hey baby" i turned around and saw the governor right there he was very sexy more sexy than joe ramsey buddy bolten was so very sexy oh very sexy so i looked at him and checked him out and he was wearing his very nice clothes and then he putted his arm out and i walked over and grabbed his hand and we walked off together to woodbury but little did i know he preformed 75 satanic rituals to bring me back but all he wanted was my virginity which was ok because i wanted his but he actually shoved me into pennys closet to see if i was worthy of his penis and i slaughtered her and then eated her because she was delicious and that my friends is the story of how i lost my virginity

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