Hershel's Heart Attack

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once upon a time there was a girl named maerwynn piper (and no you stupid cunt she wasen't the pied piper because if she was she would parade all the prison rats around so lizzie coulden't rape them like the little disgusting pigheaded harlot she is) any way's she had long pretty blonde hair that was very pretty and so pretty and super pretty yes so pretty even though she looked like a grease bag 24/7 because it was alway's wet with patrick's cum because he jerked off over her sleeping body but she was okay with that because that meant she diden't have to get rick to look for moisturizer on their run'sone day maerwynn was watching tori who was a little baby that thankfully wasn't autistic like jewdith or else she would have dropkicked that stupid wailing bitch across the cellblock and injected it with abortion medicine and this prick named joe ramsey buddy bolton came up and told her she looked familiar and she said "no shit you fucking dyslexic pot head we've lived in the cells across from each other for like 2 weeks pull it together" and then he said "shut the fuck up you crack whore" and tried to flay her alive but then he saw she was just wearing beth greene's skin and she was really carl vlad pacman grimes in disguise he gasped how had no one realized this he was so distracted thinking about this he didn't notice carl slipping out of his restraints and running at him carl put a cape and mask on turning into his hero persona alexia dyslexia and he roundhouse kicked ramsey across the nose hearing it crack before pounding that little fuck face's head into the cement he was about to drain ramsey's spinal fluids out onto the floor when that dumb pillow biter hershel came up and nursed buddy back to health "fuck you hershel why would you do that why can't you just get a heart attack and die already you ugly fat dyslexic waste of space" carl said little did carl know hershel was desperately in love with him and had been watching him sleep for weeks so when carl said this hershel's heart broke into pieces just shattering in his chest just crushing his lungs and so he fell to the floor clutching his own torso gasping for breath wheezing loudly finally dying like he should have at the farm.. when carl noticed how weak he was started kicking him over and over again in the head cackling as blood sprayed from the old geezer's mouth and ears and eyes just kicking his face in before running away in his perfect pink panties that said ''slap me'' on the back

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