Chapter 9

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"IM GONNA ASK YOU ONE MORE DAMN TIME!" the man yelled in my ear.

I closed my eyes.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU ESCAPE!" he yelled louder.

"Why do you need to know so bad?" I asked.

He punched me in the jaw and pushed me off of my feet.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION," he screamed.

I didn't say anything.

He yelled a string of cuss words and then kicked me several times in the side. I curled up in a ball.

He grabbed a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at me.

"Answer the question," he said.

"Hey put the gun down. We don't want to kill her," the other man said walking into the room and taking the gun and putting it in his pocket.

I was so scared. My hands were shaking. If I moved I felt like my body was going to fall apart.

"Just tell us how you got out," the man said.

"Oh I see you two are playing good cop, bad cop. I got out through the freaking ceiling tiles. You jack asses," I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey watch your mouth," the man with the gun said shooting the window behind me.

Shards of glass fell everywhere.

They started walking towards me. I grabbed two shards of glass from behind me. When. They both tried to pick me up I stabbed them in the arms with my eyes shut. One of them started screaming while I didnt hear anything out of the other one. I opened my eyes.

The guy that beat me was screaming and holding his arm while running out of the room. Then the other guy who shot the window behind me was on the ground. I looked at his arms there were no marks, but then I looked down further. The shard of glass was shoved into his stomach. I struggled to sit up. I moved over and checked his pulse. Nothing. I killed him.

"Oh my god," I screamed.

"Oh my god. I didn't mean to. I killed him. I didn't mean to," I sobbed. My hands were shaking.

One of my hand had a cut across the middle of it from holding the glass. My other hand didn't have anything wrong with it. I touched my nose and it was bleeding. My side hurt to the touch.

I kept screaming.

"What have I done?" I cried.

I heard the front door broken down and I heard a load of sirens. The guy who was stabbed in the arm was yelling and shouting as the police told him that he was under arrest.

The paramedics came in and took the guy who was stabbed in the arm to one of the ambulance trucks.

"ALEXIS BRINLEY!" one of the cops yelled.

They came into the room that I was in. I looked at the dead man in front of me.

"I didn't mean to do it. He was going to kill me. I just meant to hit his arm," I sobbed.

"Sweetie you're okay," one out of the team of doctors that came in said.

"He's dead! I didn't mean to," I yelled and cried.

"Calm down. You're okay. You won't be charged it was for self defense," one of the cops said.

"I didn't mean to," I screamed.

I don't care that I'm not charged for murder. I killed him. I killed someone.

"Honey can you stand?" One of the medics asked.

"No," I cried.

They picked me up and placed me on a stretcher.

"I killed someone," I sobbed.


I stood outside of the small cabin with the rest of the medical and police force. They already carried two guys out one that was obviously conscious and the other one looked lifeless. Then they carried Alexis out on a stretcher.

I took a step forward.

"I can't believe I killed him,"she cried.

My eyes widened. Poor Alexis. I wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be alright.

"LEX!" I yelled,

A cop stepped in front of me.

"You can't see her yet," the cop told me.

"Why not?" I said starting to cry.

"She isn't mentally stable and she needs to get medical attention. We will have a police escort you to the hospital.

"What do you mean she isn't mentally stable?" I said.

"We have seen this before. She killed one of the men while she was in there. It was for self defense. We found a gun and the other guy told us why his partner was dead. She was protecting herself, but the thought in her head that she killed someone won't go away. More than likely she will have to spend a few months in a mental institution," the cop said sadly.

"No what she needs is to be with her friends and family," I fought back.

The cop shook his head.

"You don't understand what she is feeling. No one does," he said.

I didn't say anything the cops lead me to a car. I got inside and he drove me to the hospital.

Once I got there I walked inside and asked if I could see her. They said I would be able to see her in a few hours.

I stayed in the waiting room all night and at 6 in the morning they said I could go and see her. I jumped out of the chair.

"Wait," the nurse stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

"She isn't herself," the nurse said.

I rolled my eyes and walked into her room. She was sitting up and facing towards the window.

"Lex?" I said.

"Get out," she said.

"What?" I asked hurt.

"Get out. You cant be in here," she said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I could hurt you," she spoke.

"You can't hurt me," I said.

She turned you face me. Her eyes looked bloodshot like she hadnt been sleeping. Her jaw was bruised.

"Did you see the man I killed?" I asked.

"Lex-" I spoke before she cut me off.

"He was twice your size," she said.

"I know, but-"

"I could easily hurt you," she said.

"But you won't," I said.

"Get out. I don't want you here!" I yelled.

"Lex please don't do this," I said taking a step closer.

"Please I don't want to hurt you," she said starting to sob.

"Lex you won't," I said holding back tears.

I stepped closer to her.

She started to scream and she clicked the nurse button several times. The nurses rushed in and one made me leave while the others calmed her down.

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