Chapter 6 : The Stilinski Swap

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<Scott's POV>

I sat down next to her. She looked so beautiful.

"I'm going to show you something no one else has ever seen," Kira told me and I was a little nervous but mostly excited. I hope it's a friendship bracelet. Except like bf and gf bracelet. God, I need to grow up.

"Okay," I said, eager to see but managed to stay calm.

She pulled out her phone, "Take a picture of me... with the flash on," Dammit no bracelets. I took her phone and did as she asked and my jaw dropped.

"What the hell?" I muttered under my breath looking down at the photo I had just taken. It looked like Kira was wrapped in some sort of a golden light. It surrounded her like a force field. She looked hot to be honest.

"I have no idea what this is, it just appeared a few months ago. It only happens when the flash is on," I was so intrigued about what this was. We talked until midnight and then I headed back to the house. I should be home before mom finishes her night shift.

I walked in the door and quietly closed it behind me. I didn't want to wake Fin. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and started munching on it on my way to the living room. I needed to catch up on Pretty Little Liars. I only watch it when Fin and Stiles aren't around or else I would never hear the end of it.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I screamed when I saw the horror cuddling on the couch. It was Fin... and Isaac???? I know Stiles has been a problem lately but Isaac? Ok I don't care if he is going insane and I'm supposed to hate him I have to talk to Stiles. They starting stirring and I stood there with the most disappointed face I could make. Everyone... especially Fin... knew that soon enough Stiles and her would be a thing.

"What? Oh hey Scott," Fin said groggily.

"Hi Fin... and company," Isaac gave me a wink and turned to her. He placed his lips on her's and I watched them have a tongue battle. I literally wanted to tear my own eyes out.

"FIN. A WORD. IN PRIVATE," I practically screamed. She stood up and almost fell; Isaac steadied her at the hips. I wanted to throw up. Isaac had been all over Allison only a few nights ago. He was stealing all of my girls.

"What the hell are you doing???" I whisper yelled although I knew with Isaac's wolf hearing, he could easily know everything we said.

"Um... lying on the couch with my boyfriend?" BOYFRIEND. Oh god Stiles will be heartbroken...

"Wha- boyfriend? Oh god Fin. Fin why. Him? What about him and Allison??" she smiled and I gave her a confused look.

"Isaac told me he talked to Allison and they ended everything last night, ok?" Fin looked back toward the room.

"Whatever go back to having a tongue bath with a psychotic werewolf dick," Isaac had been getting on my nerves lately anyway and this pushed it over the edge.

"Thank you. I will. Feel free to watch, brother," she smiled and I felt my eyes flash red, "Oh don't wolf out on me Scott, didn't you learn control?" she laughed coldly and walked away. I marched up to my room. I was so done.

I picked up my phone and saw a text.

Stiles :

can we talk? please scott I need you.

Uh oh. What's this about? Maybe he finally got out of his death cult void stage. I missed my best friend.

Me :

sure. I need to talk also... be over in 10? you better have explanations.

He responded almost immediately.

Stiles :

on my way. something is going on with lydia and Allison.

Oh god what's this going to be about now.

His blue jeep pulled up 10 minutes later and I ran down to the door. I opened the door and my best friend looked awful. Stiles looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in days. He looked afraid. It made me nervous.

"Scott I can explain... sort of," he said and I hugged him.

"Whatever it is, it's ok. I will always be here for you; it was stupid of me to abandon you in the first place,"

I pulled away and Stiles looked like he might cry but he had a big smile plastered on his too-pale face. I heard footsteps coming toward the door. Shit. Isaac.

"Oh hey Stiles," Isaac said with his arm around Fin. I could almost hear Stiles' heart break. His smile faded quickly and he messed with his shaky hands.

"Hi Isaac... and Fin," What was Isaac doing?! What was wrong with him. He's usually not this bitchy.

"We are about to start the Purge, do you want to watch with us?" Isaac said and Fin gave him a look. I added in.

"No um Stiles and I have to figure something out for school. Just confused about history assignment,"

"It's winter break Scott..." Fin said leaning closer to Isaac.

"Just want to... you know get ahead. It's called being a good student. You wouldn't know, Fin. Anyway enjoy your movie!" I said pushing Stiles up the stairs and into my room. This was gonna be a long night.



"All the time. I thought I was going insane, but then I spoke to Argent and oh! Right! Lydia and Allison! I'll get back to my sanity in a minute but something happened with them," Oh god, were they hurt? Were they going insane? Are they going out with Isaac also?

"What?" I asked my voice the tiniest bit shaky.

"Well since they had been really distant lately and everyone hated me... I decided to stalk them and see what they were doing. They keep going to Derek's loft and I heard Allison mention Peter," No. Anything with Peter is bad. "And yeah I know anything involving Peter is bad," Wow he knows me so well.

"Did you hear why they were going there?"

"No. But they have been going to the loft afterschool every day for the past two weeks. And yeah I have been stalking them for two..." he drifted off and he closed his eyes for a second and shook his head.

"What? Stiles? Stiles what is it?" I asked walking over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and he felt weak.

"I think... I think... I'm... blacking out..." he said and his body went limp. A moment later what seemed like a darkness coated his body and his shoulder was freezing.

"S-Stiles?" his eyes were still closed and when he opened them they were black. I mean the entire eye; like they were two black holes of total darkness. The moment I saw it, it disappeared and he was back to his hazel brown eyes.

"Yeah..." Stiles said a little too happily. He seemed distracted; looking around the room like... like he had just gotten here. Stiles looked straight at me.

"Oh god," all the pieces fit together, "Void."

"Hi Scott."



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