Chapter 3 : Catching Fireflies

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<Fin's POV>

Stiles closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them they grew darker, colder. He looked down, examining his body like he had just noticed it, and then snapped the collar or his plaid shirt up and smirked.

"Stiles?" I asked, stepping closer.

"Not exactly," he flicked his eyebrows as if to intimidate me.

I ignored his stupid comment. He was just messing with me, "How did you know about the fireflies?" I asked and he examined his hand before clenching it into a fist.

"Fin, shut up you waste of breath" My mouth opened as if to say something but nothing came out and I just stood dumbfounded.

"Excuse me," I snapped and he just smiled.

"Stop. Talking. I'm thinking," 'Stiles' said and I bit down hard.

"You know what, leave me the hell alone, Sti-" as if he couldn't make me more angry he cut in.

"Call me Void; see Stiles liked you and I, Void, just find you annoying," he smirked and turned around and walked away.

"If you come near Scott or I, I will personally call the cops!" I screamed at his back. He disappeared into the trees and I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces.


I ran home tears streaming down my face. I opened the door and closed it quietly behind me. I didn't want Scott to see me like this but, of course, Mr. Wolf Hearing came down the stairs a second later.

"Where the hell wer-"

"Not now," I spat and ran up to my room and slammed my door. I lied down on my bed and just cried. My thoughts began to wander.

Void?? What the hell even is that... Who the hell even is that, because it wasn't Stiles. And the way how he knew what I was going to say even though I hadn't told him creeped me out. Also, no matter how angry Stiles was at me he would never call me a waste of breath; that's what my dad used to say to Scott and I before he left. I lied down and just tried to take a mental break.


"Hellooooooo Fiiiin, Earth to Fin!" Stiles jerked me out of my thoughts. "We've been driving on the same road for 10 minutes and I'm pretty sure I saw the same tree three times, are you sure you know the way?"

"Yeah, sorry I was just distracted," I shook my head quickly and gripped the steering wheel. In minutes we were back on the familiar streets of Beacon Hills.

"Are you sure we can't tell Scott? Maybe he could help keep an eye on you and watch for when you black out," I suggested.

Stiles shook his head vigorously, "No way. Scott can't know about this, at least not yet. And I'm trusting you not to tell him. Promise me Fin, promise me!"

"Okay okay, I promise. But just know that he's your best friend and he's gonna know something's up sooner or later, and I don't think he'll be happy that you didn't tell him," I said as I pulled up in front of Stiles' house.

"Do you think you could stay with me tonight? Just in case I..."

I had to physically restrain myself from jumping up and down, "Of course, someone needs to make sure you're safe. What should I tell Scott?"

"Who cares, just tell me how much you love this," Stiles said, leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine. He pulled away after a few seconds and I was sure I looked like a tomato.

"I.. I should call Scott," I stuttered, my face stuck in a stupid grin. I stepped away from the car, dialing my brother's number.

"Hey Scotty Boy, I'm gonna stay at Stiles' tonight, I need his help catching up on the homework from Mr. Yukimura. Will you tell mom?"

"Yeah sure, just one question. How do you have any homework to catch up on? There hasn't even been a week of school yet!" Scott replied.

"Uhh... well you know me, always want to stay ahead," I said, nervously laughing.

"Suuuure. Have fun, be safe!!" Scott said, laughing as he hung up the phone.

Ugh he can be so aggravating! I walked back towards Stiles, muttering under my breath.

I looked up at Stiles and he was twirling a dagger in his fingers, his back facing me. My stomach dropped.

"Stiles? Are you okay?" I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I thought I told you, I'm not Stiles," he turned around. "I'm Void." All the memories in the forest came back as he plunged the dagger in my stomach with a wicked grin. I gasped awake.


Hi everyone! I'm Sonia, one of the co-writers. I helped write this chapter and I have to say, I think it's pretty good. Comment suggestions, predictions, and ideas! ily - A & S

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