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Now is the time to come clean infront of everyone before Daniela gets here and fucks shit up. I take a deep breath in and out, I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the tornado of questions.

I drag Pacho outside and sit on one of the lounging chairs, he sits across from me.

"So there's something I wanna tell you and don't get mad, there's a reason why I never told you this." I say cautiously

"What did you do this time? Make a girl pregnant? Embezzle from the government?O que há de errado, mano? He asks with intrigue

"Eu tenho uma namorada que não te contei porque não pensei que duraria tanto, mas durou. Ela está em um voo agora para a América e eu ainda não contei aos meus pais."

"Nee man, sies for you" He replies

You know it's serious when he's switching between his 3 languages. He sits contemplating what to say next. He was speechless and so was I, we just stared for a moment. After maybe 5 minutes he speaks again.

"Give me a minute, I need to call Val" he takes his phone out and updates his girlfriend about what I had just said

"No ways, is he sitting nearby by any chance?"

" Yeah,"he replies

"Please put me on speaker" she says

He does as he's told and the next thing I hear is the shrill sounding of his girlfriend scolding me.

"ASTOR LEIGHTON COHEN, how could you have a girlfriend and not tell your best friend since you were 11. Imagine how hurt he feels and how betrayed he feels. You should be ashamed and you haven't even told your family and she's coming here now. What if she wants to join the family vacation, we don't allow outsiders, remember. How long have you been dating this girl. What is her name, where is she from? All these questions, I'm coming over because no way are you going to disrespect my boyfriend like that." She hangs up

Pacho and I sit in shock, I want to apologize to him but I don't know where to even begin. I see the slight hint of sadness in his eyes before he makes an excuse to get up and go wait for Daniela. It makes me feel like a shit friend and I just lie there on the chair and think about what I'm going to say. Eventually, I get up with a groan and face my consequences.

Inside the house

"Todos, por favor, venham para a sala, é urgente", I shouted.

I walked past Levi on the couch. She was lying across it so I threw her feet off it and sat down. If looks could be poison, I'd be beyond dead.

"What's so urgent that everyone must report in the room of doom?"

"You'll hear soon," I said

I received a scoff in response. When everyone finally arrived, Val was the last one. I stood up and tried to keep my composure.

"As you all know, I was in Europe for
2 years, "everyone groaned, " I really do feel the love, guys. Anyway, I have some news. I have a girlfriend for about a year and a half and as we speak, she's on her way so please be nice." I ask pleadingly.

That is when the shouting began.

"Jy is 'n leuenaar."

"Hoe kon jy ons vir amper twee jaar nie vertel?"

" Nieela está vindo agora?O que você quer dizer"

"Filho, como você não pôde nos contar."



It was no surprise where that last comment came from, but the only people who remained quiet were Pacho, Levi, and Bernardo. The ones who opinions I valued the most were silent. I felt a stab in my chest. Levi's eyes were full of sadness, and similar expressions were on the other two faces. As I was deep in thought, I heard the faint sound of the doorbell. This is where shit goes down.

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