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My heart felt it was in my bum. It sank to the lowest point on this entire earth. Maybe I heard wrong, and he was speaking about someone else. Maybe like a friend or something, my lack of response wasn't any help, but neither was Bernardo or Francis. This felt like a fever dream. Maybe I had the flu or something, I hope not, we're leaving on Friday, it's Tuesday, mama will never let us go if one of us is sick so I have to suck it up.

The doorbell rang.

The fear in my body started tremors, I was nervous beyond compare. Please let it be a delivery man, please please. Unfortunately, when I heard the door open and a shrill of excitement was let out, I knew this was my new reality. I saw an eye roll from Aunty Lou (Astor's mama), she was as cheerful as a mouse. The room was silent as we awaited what would happen next, we only heard the faint noises of talking and Theo's toy car sounds. We heard the click of the heels and the room went cold.

A tall, slender brunette entered, she had blonde highlights, green eyes, a pouty cupids bow, and the cutest button nose. She had a "clean girl" aesthetic and seemed so well put together, I wondered if she wore makeup, she was breathtaking.

"Shit," I whispered

"HI everyone, I'm Daniela Smith. I'm Astor's girlfriend, and I've heard so much about all of you, "she said in a cheerful British tone.

I got up first and walked up to her, I saw a slight grimace when I approached.

"HI, I'm Levi, you can call me Levi. We've heard so little about you, you must join us for dinner, if that's ok, mama?" I looked over at my mama

She nodded her head, dammit, the one time she could've said no. Astor looked at me with pure shock, I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I began setting the table as my mother and Aunty Lou began dinner. I sighed and put my headphones on and went upstairs, ignoring the chatter downstairs. I tripped over one of Theo or Roman's toys and began falling head first until I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist, saving me from face planting. I turned around to thank my hero, only to see the face that broke my heart today.

"Maybe you need glasses too?" He said

"What?", I replied, taking my headphones off.

"I said maybe you need glasses too since you can't see the obvious site of toys in front of you", he gestured around

"Maybe I should, but what's life if you can't live a little risk?" Before I turned away and walked to my room, I caught a glimpse of a smirk on that pretty face.

I began watching Anne with an E again when a knock on my door sounded, Astor entered.

"Are you here to save me again? Becausenothingg can save me from this be, ",I sai, keeping my eyes on the TV.

He chuckled and replied, "Unfortunately my cape is hung up for the night so no saving can be done but I am here to tell you that the mama's finished dinner so they asked for you to come down."

"I don't feel well, could you tell that to them for me please. I'm about to sleep."

"O,ok. Text me later when you feel better, goodnight Rosie"

"Thanks, and I will. Night Leigh Leigh"

He closed my door softly. I loved it when he called me Rosie. That was usually what I used for my tea party games, it felt more me. I was always Princess Rosie, but no one called me Rosie until Astor. That's when we started our Rosie and Leigh Leigh nicknames, Francis tried to join but failed epically, so this is just a me and Astor thing, which always makes me so giddy.

Eventually, I dozed off and felt much better, but I didn't feel any better than I did earlier. It had subsided, but maybe it will be better in the morning.

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