Chapter One: Rouge's Birthday

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It wasn't just an ordinary day in Station Square. It was a special day! A very special day, in fact! Shadow had called Team Forces over to help him decorate for a special event.

What was this special event, you may ask? Simple! It was Rouge the Bat's birthday!

Shadow, though he has denied it for so long, has been in a secret relationship with Rouge for a few months now. Though, he didn't do a great job keeping it a secret. The others were quick to find out. But right now, that doesn't matter! 

Since Shadow and Rouge were dating, Shadow wanted to do something extra special for Rouge's birthday, so he decided to call Team Forces over to help him decorate for a special birthday party. Shadow wasn't much of a party person, but he thought that since this was for Rouge, he would make an exception this one time.

Right now, Shadow and Team Forces were at the house, getting it decorated for Rouge's party. Shadow had sent Rouge out on a day of fun with Kat so she would be out of the house long enough to get ready.

Shadow: [Holding a pen and a checklist] Alright! Rouge is going to be back any minute now, so let's do a brief check! Decorations! Balloons?

Tails; [Holding some black, red, and pink balloons] Check!

Shadow: Banner?

Silver: [Putting the banner up with telekinesis] Check!

Shadow: Streamers?

Espio: Check!

Shadow: Good. Music playlist?

Vector: [Testing the music playlist] Check!

Shadow: Food banquet?

Charmy: [Putting a bowl of chocolates on the table] Check!

Shadow: Cake?

Amy: [Decorating a large cake with black and pink frosting] Check!

Knuckles: [Carrying some gifts to a different table] Looks like everything's almost ready!

Shadow: Great! Rouge is going to love this!

Amy: It was so sweet of you to set this up just for Rouge, Shadow!

Knuckles: And here I thought that you weren't a party person!

Shadow: I'm not, but this is for Rouge, not me.

Amy: [Gushes] Aww! How adorable!

Shadow: [Blushes] D-Don't get the wrong idea! B-Baka!

Amy: [Giggles] Come on, Shadow! We all know you love her!

Shadow: L-Love would be an overstatement! I tolerate her!

Amy: Hahaha! It's okay, Shadow! We think it's kinda cute!

Shadow: I'm not cute...

Knuckles: Alright, Mr. Grumpy Face, lighten up a bit! You know that Roue would hate to see you frown on her birthday!

Shadow: Whatever. [He heard the door opening] That's her!

Rouge: [Walks in] Hello, everyone! [Looks around, seeing decorations everywhere] Huh? What's all of this? Are you guys throwing a party or something?

Everyone: Surprise!

Rouge: [Shocked] Huh?

Amy: [Claps] Happy birthday, Rouge!

Rouge: Is this... for me?

Tails: Yep! We spent the whole day getting it set up!

Rouge: Is that why you kicked me out of the house?

Shadow: Sorry. We had to get you out of the way so it wouldn't ruin the surprise.

Rouge: Aww! Thank you, everyone! [They heard knocking again] Huh?

Amy: That's weird. I don't remember anyone else being invited.

Rouge: I wonder who it could be?

Rouge walked over to the door, only to see a figure she did not expect to see.

Rouge walked over to the door, only to see a figure she did not expect to see

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