Love should come with no strings attached. Unconditional love is the right way to love someone, either romantically and platonically.
Don't rush love and never marry someone you just met. Take the time to get to know someone.
I regret understanding...
Abeer's pov With all the questions in my mind related to what Mahnoor said I decided to calm myself and read the afternoon prayer. Then I laid down on the bed reading a book and fell asleep. The call for the asar prayers woke me up and I felt refreshing after the relaxing afternoon nap. I decided to complete my prayer and went down as I was feeling really hungry. Walking downstairs I found the rest gathered in the living room busy in discussing something crucial. I approached them saying my salam to which they all replied and then choti ammi scolded me for skipping my lunch. She said that she came upstairs to call me for lunch but saw that I was in deep sleep so she didn't have the heart to disturb me and then warned me to take my meals on time. I nodded like a cute bunny to all her sweet scoldings and promised her that I would try not to repeat it again gaining her million dollar smile. She pointed towards the kitchen and asked me get my plate of Mutton biryani and join them in the discussion. I agreed but not before enquiring her about my angry bird bestie Mahnoor. To which dadi said that I don't have to worry about her she has some emergency in her bakery so she had to leave. Before I could question them about sending her alone. Abbu told me that he made sure that Bilal has gone to drop her. That brought a wonderful smile on my face and then I proceeded towards kitchen for my yummy biryani. Well !you see guys I love mutton biryani. Which hyderbadi doesn't. It's taste is to die for.
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I took my plate out and sat down before dadi. sweet heart that she is she immediately took the plate from me and fed me a morsel. This earned a sarcastic sigh from Bahar to which Abbu's one look was enough. Before this could turn into something else Fahad Mamu spoke. He started saying that upon the arrival of the twins and the family reunion after 3 years Dadi wants Abbu to organize a Jashn! ( A celebration) not just any jashn but a grand one. I loved the idea and was about to give my positive support for it with a suggestion from my side as well but Bahar decided to intervene and taunt saying I should not open my negative mouth to deny for it saying it is nothing but waste of money. I really felt bad but decided to voice out this time because I remembered Mahnoor's words saying that only I can put and end to this. I told her that she has to learn to listen to others before making an opinion about others. That I'm sure was enough to silence her for now leaving her shocked. I told everyone that I support of it but also want a Quran khani to be done along with it so that the blessings of almighty stays upon us always. Dadi at once ordered choti ammi to get it done coz it was a brilliant idea. Abbu and Mamu also gave their approval saying the Quran Khani can be done during the day and Jashn can be organizanized during the night. Abbu and Mamu decided to make the list of invitees. Dadi took the charge of Quran khani and Ammi as always was incharge of the decor and food. I decided to be a helping hand but Fahad mamu insisted that we kids focus only on the main job that is enjoying the jashn. Bahar was super happy that she gets to pamper herself but I wanted to oppose but Bilal who walked in said that he wants my help in shopping. Though I could use my designing techniques to make an amazing outfit but we didn't have much time for it. So I and Bilal decided to shop for us where as Bahar planned to go along with her friends. We had our evening tea with osmania biscuits and headed out to shop.