7. Envy....

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Bahar's Pov
What's so good about her? Why does she get everything that I want? Why? Why? Why?
I so hate my step sister Abeer and I've made sure that everyone in the family are aware about it. I don't even want to pretend to love Or like her even a bit because I envy her to death.
My dislike towards her is obviously since childhood. I feel she was privileged enough to get everything that was mine to be. What if she is the elder child of Siddique family. She is still the star crossed one.
I feel she should have been disowned by abbu after the loss of badi ammi but dadi's decision to keep her with them instead of giving her up in the orphan centre changed her damn fate.
I so want her to leave us all but dadi and abbu are hell bent upon making her stick to us. Can you believe she has been successful in charming my ammi, mamu and Bilal as well. She has them wrapped around her little finger.
Her sugar- coated words have successfully bewitched the rest. I was always compared to her in terms of behavior, character, mannerisms and what not. She tried manipulating everyone by accepting ammi, Bilal and myself as her family. She depicted before abbu and dadi that she is always grateful for the family that she has got. Everyone kept singing praises for her. She became the favorite one.
Her so called love for them seems so fake. I don't know how could the others not notice it. I just wanted to make sure I pull off her good two shoes mask.
I never liked her because I felt casted off by my own family when they preferred her upon me always. We had fights upon this shared love. Dadi always took her side and so did abbu. Ammi always scolded me and supported her. And like the good actress that she is pretended well every time before all by trying to sacrifice her share of love for me.
She even requested abbu and dadi to send her off to her nani's place tending to be the mature one at a young age before the rest but it was me who was sent to mamu's place with Bilal in the context of our education.
That's when my dislike towards her turned into hatred. I don't like her that's evident and I own it up.I had to stay away from my family because of her and she got the love and respect of  all as Siddique family's beloved daughter which was my right as well but I had live alone. And that's enough for me to envy her for this life.
After our arrival also she kept up her act of the good obedient daughter. But now I'm no more a child who would sacrifice my everything to her even if she has dadi and abbu's favour.
I would challenge her at every step and snatch every damn thing from her that truly and solely belongs to me. I'm glad that she herself gave away badi ammi's room. But that was the most stupid act from her side. Because I'm not going to be that selfless with her.
I'm determined to take away everything that belongs to her. Even if it's Zaman Shah.
I'm no blind person. I've noticed that he is interested in her. And why not she has tried to graciously flirt with him and rest of the invitiees of the jashn.
The way she was smiling at the males in the function was enough for me to understand that she is no innocent but is aiming for even bigger fish than the Siddique's.
Now that she is of age I'm sure she wants to trap a rich kid and get settled. That's why she kept stealing glances at Zaman Shah that Hottest snack of the nation.
That man is a truly a sexy snack because every elite girl wants to devour him. So do I. I want him for myself. But she was successful in getting into his sight. Good for her but I'm not gonna give up this time. I'll fight for what's mine and take it away from her.
I have decided not to be desperate but with the plan that I have for her she'll be left with nothing in the end.......

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