Conflict 1: Strangers

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Name was never the type to be late.

She enjoyed being punctual. She loathed tardiness. To her, waiting was nothing compared to the thought of having others wait for her. However, sometimes, she could go a little overboard with her punctuality.

Like today.

"Honestly" she stared at her wristwatch, "I arrived an hour early. How peachy..." Sighing, she pulled out a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from her backpack. With crossed legs she sat on one of the benches near the windows inside the huge airport.

The girl was on the third chapter when a masculine voice laced with a (sexy, a word she still had trouble saying aloud) English accent spoke out of the blue, "Excuse me"

The young woman didn't reply. She was too engrossed with the book she held tightly in her hands.

"Excuse me, miss"


"Miss" The voice said a little more loudly than before.

Name finally heard the call, dropping the novel on the floor out of surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry" The man said.

"No, it's okay. I can be a real klutz sometimes" Name joked when she bent down to pick it up. However, a pale hand grabbed it first and handed it to her. She blinked before she took it gratefully and brushed a strand of her hair on the back of her ear.

"Thanks" She sat up and faced the stranger.

Her eyes widened as she finally glanced at the man.

His messy, pale blonde locks worked and framed his face beautifully. Though he had peridots for irises, his most distinguishing feature had to be his pair of thick eyebrows that surprisingly fit him in a way that, without them, the girl felt that he would somehow be incomplete.

Name discreetly pinched her forearm in order to prevent herself from letting out a laugh. His brows reminded her of malnourished caterpillars.

She gulped before speaking, "I'm sorry, you were trying to catch my attention, right?" she felt like an idiot for not noticing him earlier, "Sorry, got too excited with my book" she waved the copy of first part of the Harry Potter series in the air.

The blonde man chuckled, causing Name's cheeks to turn pink. "No, it's quite alright. I don't really blame you. It is a delightful read. But I was going to ask if this seat was taken" he gestured at the chair next to hers.

The girl then noticed that the airport has gotten really packed and the only vacant seat was the one near her. She looked at the stranger and grinned, "No, go ahead"

He gave her a grateful smile. He dropped his backpack by his feet and dragged his suitcase next to him. He propped his arm on the armrest between them and leaned towards her a bit, "How far are you?"

"Chapter 3. So far it's been really great. I dunno why I just started reading it now"


"Yeah, I only watched the movies-- which were also awesome. I didn't find out that it was a book series until a friend told me about it last week" she let out a light giggle, "So, you've read it before?" she asked, partly because she was genuinely curious and partly because she couldn't believe she was talking to someone like him.

"Read it? I spend my free time rereading it and watching the films and um..." His cheeks had a tinge of pink in them.

She smiled and leaned a tad closer "What?" Now, she was really curious.

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