Conflict 21: Magic

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"How's the investigation about you-know-what?" The bell rang as Lukas and Arthur entered the café.

"Not much progress, unfortunately" The Brit replied as they sat down.

"If anything comes up, tell me immediately. I'd like a say on what to do with whoever put that snake and bomb"

"We all do, Lukas"

A waitress came over to their table "Good afternoon"

The two men stopped talking and turned to the young woman. They blinked as though unsure, "Name? What're you doing here?"

The girl smiled "Trying to take your order"

"Right, but why?"

"I couldn't tell my parents about this entire incident because I didn't want to worry them. I thought I could use the extra cash and this job pays well"

"Have you ever done this before?"

"Not really. Frankly, this is the first time I ever had a job but better late than never, right?"


"Man, I'm starving!" Alfred strolled inside with Mathias behind him. They looked around and saw Name. Much like the other gentlemen, they muttered her name in surprise.

"Welcome!" She beamed.

The loud manchildren joined their brothers' table and gave their orders. The girl wrote it down her notepad and then flashed them one last smile before leaving.

"Here are your orders" Name strolled back over to the four guys trying to steady the tray she held on one hand "Don't tell me, don't tell me..."

She picked up the red mug "Latte for Arthur"

Then a green cup "Black tea for Lukas"

Then a tall glass "Iced tea for Mathias"

And finally, a short white cup "Cappuccino for Alfred"

"Well?" She put her hand on her hip "How'd I do?"

They nodded "Good, great, thanks"

"Good" She rolled on her heels "See? I can work"

Once she had her back turned, Arthur handed Mathias the cappuccino while the iced tea was slid in front of Alfred as he gave Lukas the cappuccino, who in turn passed the tea to Arthur.

"So, Name" Alfred spoke "Are you going to attend the New Year's Eve party?"

"Oh, I'd love to but I can't"

"What? Why not?"

"Please, that's a black tie party, and because of that stupid fire the closest thing I have to a black tie theme is a pair of polar bear socks. Plus I have some studying to do"

"Does your 'studying' include finishing that new Hitman game?" Alfred stirred the ice cubes with the red straw in his drink.


"C'mon, Name" Mathias begged "Please? Please?"

And then Alfred decided to join in "Please? PLEASE?"

The girl let out a sigh and a groan at the drooping baby blue eyes in front of her "Fine. I think I have a dress that wasn't burned into bacon"

They cheered in unison like children who just succeeded in persuading their mother to give them ice cream.

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