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Author's Note: First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for the support. You have no idea how much it means to know that people like and appreciate my work. I love you guys so much!

Second of all, this is a bonus chapter so it's gonna be shorter than the others. Here I'm gonna introduce a few flat characters (Note: I'm sorry if you share a name or personality with them but I assure you everyone was completely made up) who communicate with Reader-chan to show that she still has a life outside the one with her many love interests. I know it's a reader insert fanfic but I thought it was necessary to give more depth to her character since a lot of guys fall for her for different reasons. But do not fear: her traits are somewhat "general" and common enough.


"Thank you for the book, Doctor Darlington!" The young woman bade goodbye to her professor with a smile. She began walking down the hall with a copy of John Emsley's Molecules of Murder which Dr. Darlington recommended.
        Name had to admit that she was a nervous wreck twitching before school started. Who wouldn't be? It was one of the finest medical schools in England. Naturally, people expected a lot from you. However, the moment she stepped inside the classroom she saw that she was worried for nothing.
        The teachers spoke with an air of graceful loquaciousness but kept things casual by sneaking in a few jokes every now and then. The students, Name noted, were quite human too. She made friends almost immediately with her seatmates; a talkative, energetic blonde named Arin and her quiet, unassuming twin brother, Allen (A/N: Arin and Allen. Get it?). They gave her comfort when they expressed how they may looked completely calm outside but were twitching inside.
        Overall, the young med student came to the conclusion that her new school wasn't that bad, and almost everyone was nice.
        "Hey, Name!"
        Well, almost.
        "Wait up!" The feminine voice was high-pitched and squeaky, like something from a stereotypical blue eyed blonde drama queen of a 1970's American high school.
        Name rolled her eyes and turned around just as when the owner of the voice—a girl with brown hair and eyes like hers—caught up with her. 
        "Hang on... Let me just..." The girl had a hand on her chest, trying to catch her breath.
        Have you ever had that one person in your life that everyone just adores because they're unbelievably nice? All smiles and sunshine but you alone think that them being "unbelievably nice" is exactly the case. Unbelievably. Simply too good to be true. While the rest of the world seems to love that person you hate him or her because you know that deep inside he or she is the core of all the evils?
        That's what Name felt towards Hershey. Her class' resident nice girl. And she was nice. She greeted people with a sweet smile, rarely got angry... But for some reason, Name couldn't shake the feeling that the 'little-miss-perfect' thing was just an act. She hated Hershey the second she laid eyes on her. It was hypocritical of Name to claim that she likes to believe in people only to hate someone who was nothing but nice to her. Not that she'd ever admit that to anyone or herself.
        "May I help you, Hershey?" She didn't bother to hide the irritation in her voice.
        "Oh, c'mon now. You can call me 'Her' just like everybody else"
        'Either she is stupid enough not to notice or heard my tone but ignored me like the bitch she is' Name thought when Hershey smiled sweetly at her. Everything Hershey did have something 'evil' connected to it one way or another, to Name that is.
        "I'd rather not" Name wore a smile but it was painfully obvious that it was a fake. She knew that, however, she didn't care.
        "Are you sure?"
        "Yes, I'm pretty sure. Now if you may excuse me, Hershey, I have important business to attend to"
        "No, wait!" Hershey protested before the other girl could pivot, "I just wanted to give you something"       
        Name eyed the small piece of hand-made milk chocolate wrapped in pink plastic that Hershey placed on her palm—after the girl took that free arm which hung on her side.
        "It's kinda like a welcome gift" Hershey explained, "I mean we're both freshmen but I—
        "Yeah, I get it" Name said. Hershey didn't seem to mind that she was cut mid-sentence, and nodded.
        "Alright. Well, I'll go now" She started jogging back to where she came from, "Buh-bye!"
        "Yeah, bye" Name uttered inaudibly as she stared at the chocolate in her hand. She entered the nearest female comfort room which was only a right turn away. Crushing the handmade chocolate (that she joked inside her head that it was laced with either marijuana or alcohol) with her hand, she threw it in the trash bin. She clapped her hands together trying to get rid of any visible trace of the chocolate before washing them in the sink.
        It was only ten o'clock. Her next class was not until one, and it was too early to go home. Soon enough, Name was sitting on the floor inside the school library. A stack of hefty, hardbound biology and chemistry volumes were placed next to her crossed legs which cradled her leather backpack. It would be wrong to say that her eyes were glued on one page of the book for her brows were furrowed and her pupils ran across the words in such a fast pace it was almost as if they were just passing by them instead of actually reading. However, it was the complete opposite. One by one, every word and every detail; from the most significant terms to the least useful facts, inside her head they all go.
        She came to England to study, after all; no more, no less.


Author's Note: You guys should know that, as I wrote at my A/N at the top of the page; the characters I've introduced here are randomly named flat characters that are only there for the sole purpose of giving depth to Reader's character. They're not much important to the entire story, so no, Hershey won't be some sort of "rival" (no worries, only Reader-chan has the boys' affections) because she is genuinely nice just greatly disliked by our heroine. I apologize if I've offended any of you but the characters are not related or based on or connected to any real people, if they somehow look like they have a connection with anyone then I assure you it's sheer coincidence.

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