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Author's note: This was actually a request. One of you guys asked me to write a chapter about what the countries thought of the reader. I didn't want this be one of those fanfics where they just fall for her at first sight without a good reason cause I don't like that kind of fiction (Though I think I may have failed), so here you are.

"So, Kiku" Yao approached his younger "brother" who was putting smoked salmon on his plate from the buffet "This [Name], she seems nice"

"Hai, she is" Kiku agreed with a small smile "She's very kind and polite"

"That's good. Anything else?" Yao grabbed an orange from a fruit bowl "Any hobbies?"

"She loves videogames and anime as well. We're going to attend comic con together"

"Oh, I hear wedding bells!"

"Lower your voice!" The Japanese man scolded with flushed cheeks.

"Of course, sorry, sorry" Yao nodded "But seriously, she has good child-bearing hips"

"I'm begging you to please let it go!" Kiku whispered-shouted and tried to escape but Yao kept following him.

They passed Arthur who was talking to Lukas.

"You know, [Name] is very interested with folklore and fairytales" The Norwegian managed to sneak in as they discussed about a certain spell book they've been looking for.

"Is she now?" Arthur seemed genuinely pleased "She reads Harry Potter but I didn't know that she's interested in actual fairies and such"

"She even leaves a cup of warm water by her kitchen window every night for fairies to bathe their babies in"

"Oh, I do that too. Flying Mint Bunny asked for a bigger cup though"

"You think maybe it's okay if we invite her to the library?"

"As in the library?"

Lukas nodded. The Brit clapped his hands together "Great! I'm sure she'd love that. She loves reading. I'll ask her to come over sometime. We could have tea together too"

Lukas gave him a look. Arthur raised a big bushy brow "What?"

"Tea? Just the two of you? Like... like a date?"

"Not really but... I sure do hope it ends up as one"

"That's not fair"

"What are you—wait" Arthur held up his hands in disbelief "You like her too don't you?"

"Kuh, no... Take her out, I don't care. I'm just concerned about the books getting soaked in tea"

"Right, that's what bothers you" Arthur said sarcastically. Lukas shook his head "I'm gonna go join the others. I'll see you around"

The Norwegian made his way towards the other Nordics (excluding Denmark) who sat around one of the tables.

"Hey, Nor, guess what" Tino said "We're trying to figure out whether or not Denmark likes [Name]. Your opinion?"

"This is just stupid" Emil said quietly "Why do you care so much of his relationship with her?"

"Oh, sorry, Iceland" Tino said innocently "Is it because you like her too?"

"Wha—" He averted his gaze "No, of course not! I just think it's stupid..."

"Your face is red" Lukas commented, poking his brother's cheek.

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