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Im going on a staycation on mon-tue so I can't post,sorry for the inconvenience:<

Valerian,Nicasia,and Locke-his three meanest,fanciest,and most loyal friends-follow him.Just in time for me and Kai to reach them.The crowd parts and hushes,bowing as they pass.Cardan is wearing his usual scowl,accessorized with kohl under his eyes and a circlet of gold in his midnight hair.He has on a long black coat with a high ,jagged collar,the whole thing stitched with a pattern of constellations.Valerian is in deep red,cabochon rubies sparkling on his cuffs,each like a drop of frozen blood.Nicasia's hair is the blue-green of the ocean,crowned with a diadem of pearls.A glittering cobweb net covers her braids.Locke brings up the rear,looking bored,his hair the precise colour of fox fur.

"They're ridiculous,"Jude says to Taryn,who follows her gaze.
"Absolutely ridiculous"Kai says,causing me to bite my lips to prevent me from laughing,and Jude and Taryn to finally notice us behind them.

I cannot deny they're beautiful.Faerie lords and ladies,just like in the songs.If we didn't have to take lessons alongside them,if I didn't know firsthand what a scourge they were to those who displeased them, I'd probably be as in love with them as everyone else is.

"Vivi says that Cardan has a tail,"Taryn whispers."She saw it when she was swimming in the lake with him and Princess Rhyia this past full moon night."
Making me giggle and Kai to bite his lip,"A tail?"Jude echos,an incredulous smile starting on her face and then fading.

"With a tuft on the end!It coils up under his clothes and unfurls like a whip."Taryn giggles,"Vivi said she wishes she had one.

Making me choke on air,"I'm glad she doesn't "Jude says firmly

"Their coming"Kai whispers making us all shut out mouths tight,like we never opened them.

I turn my gaze to the floor,I sink to the ground on one knee,and bend my head.Kai does something similar beside me.All around us,people are making obeisances

Don't look,please don't look I think.
As Valerian passes,he grabs one of Jude's braided horns.The others move on through the throng as Valerian sneers something down at Jude.Something I can't hear.

"Valerian,"Prince Cardan calls.He is glowering already and when he sees us four-me,Kai,Jude and Taryn-his eyes narrow further.

Valerian gives Jude's braid a hard tug,she winces.My ocean blue eyes getting darker.He laughs and moves on.
"What did he say to you?"Taryn asks Jude
She shakes her head

Kai takes notice of my darkened eyes and grabs my hand in a comforting way.
I look up to see that Cardan has stopped beside a boy with long copper hair and a pair of small noth wings-a boy who isn't bowing.The boy laughs and Cardan lunges.Between one eyeblink and the next,the prince's balled fist strikes the boy hard across the jaw,sending him sprawling.As the boy falls ,Cardan grabs one of his wings, It tears like paper.The boy's scream is thin and reedy.He curls up into himself on the ground,agony plain on his face.-By now,my ocean blue eyes has turned the colour of the deepest darkest part of the ocean.

The courtiers around us gape and titter,but only for a moment.Then they go back to their dancing and their songs,and the revel spirals on-but I'm in no mood.

This is how they are.Someone gets in Cardan's way,and they're instantly and brutally punished.Driven from taking lessons at the Palace, sometimes out of the Court entirely.Hurt.Broken.

As Cardan walks past the boy, apparently done with him,I am grateful that Cardan has five more worthy brothers and sisters; it's practically guaranteed that he'll never sit on the throne and in even more grateful for that.

"Vera"Kai says,"Vera"he says a little bit louder.

He cups my face,"breathe"he says
I breathe in and out several times.Tears prickle at the corner of my eyes-I let them flow down onto my cheeks
He hugs me and pats my back soothingly,"come on,let's go to your sisters"

We go to the stairs where my sister's are,they seemed to forget their previous conversation when they saw me-Kai's arm around my shoulders and me looking down at the floor.

Jude walk towards me and Kai takes his arm of my shoulders.
She hugs me and I let out a sob,and hug her tighter.She pats my back,"let it all out"she whispers

"This calls for a group hug!"Kai says cheerfully and I chuckle-though it sounds more like a half-sob half-chuckle
Taryn and Kai joins in on the hug.We stay like this for awhile.When we let go,Taryn says,"I know just where to go"
And we end up going to just past the second landing of stone steps,that is an area where a large mass of shimmering rock just out,creating a ledge."So this is where you two go to everytime there's a revel?"I say looking around

"Yep"Jude says,popping the 'p'

"Damn"Kai says

"When Taryn and I were little ,we would hide under long banquet tables.But since she determined we were elegant ladies-Vera bursts out laughing,making Taryn glare at her-too big to get our dresses dirty crawling around pm the floor,we had to find a better spot.So we came here"Jude explains
"Hands off my sister!"Taryn suddenly calls at Kai

Kai takes his arm off my shoulders and put his hands up in mock surrender.
Jude raises her eyebrows at me,making me blush a light pink.

And that is how the night went on, we laughed, joked,and safe to say we had the best time of our life's.Too bad we can't stay like this forever,we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Why the crying you ask?Well I needed some ideas so...let's just say she is angry it's not a lie ok so all the pent up anger and there's no way to release it?so boom crying.
I'm still trying to think of the plot so feel free to comment some ideas :D
What are y'all's opinion on Kai?is he the love interest?
Maybe...guess y'all need to stick on to find out.
Anyways hope you like it so far and pls vote if you can.Have a nice day :>

-Rae 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2024 ⏰

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