2. Confronting The Goenkas

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Kartik, Sirat and Naira silently processed what they heard!

They couldn't believe so much happened. So much!

Kartik- Get Out

Kartik said coldly.

Everyone looked frozen at him. He was shaking in anger.


Akshu widened her eyes in shock.

Akshu- Papa

She cried.

Abhimanyu couldn't understand what fault he had but he knew maybe they needed family time especially after hearing what Aarohi did.

Kartik- You won't think shit about my Aaru even in your mind. Do you understand boy?

Abhimanyu nodded quickly.

Kartik- You use her! You break her heart! You blame her! And then you have the guts to complain about her to her father? YOU MUST BE BOSS IN YOUR HOSPITAL! THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU. STAY AWAY FROM AARU. YOU UNDERSTAND? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

Akshu- Papa. I don't want to leave you now. Please let Abhi stay.

Akshu was crying.

Kartik- Who said to you, you are going back with him? Akshu! Stay quiet.

Akshu widened her eyes.

Aaru- Papa! He's her husband!

Kartik pinched his nose and shot a look at his children which made them look down in fear.

Kartik- Look! Who are you? Birlas! I want all of you out right now. I need sometime alone with my kids. And do forget about my girls. I am not letting any of you meet them anytime sooner. My babies aren't being near any boys.


His wives said protesting.


His children whined.

Kartik ignored it smartly and indicated outside, folding his hands afterwards greeting goodbye.

The Birlas silently went out.

Kartik stood in front of teary eyed Akshu and Aaru as he stared at Abhimanyu and Neil looking back while exiting Goenka Mansion.

Kartik- Naira! Sirat! Take the children upstairs. Spend some quality time with them. Don't talk about anything that happened today. I will like to address it first. We shouldn't be scolding our children as soon we returned.

Naira and Sirat took their respective children upstairs.

(In my work, Kartik shifted with Sirat in new room because he didn't want to mess with Naira's stuff. So Kaira and Kairat have different bedrooms)

Naira took her children in her and Kartik's room while Sirat took her children in her and Kartik's room to spend some quality time before their father confronted them.

Kartik turned around.

Kartik- Stop right there. I want to talk.

He said to his family who stopped immediately. He had his arms crossed as he tried to control his anger.

Kartik- Why Akshu lived away from her own house? Why wasn't she in these four walls, her home? When she should have been here! No where else! I understand Aaru hated her. But is it enough to send my princess away? None of you brought her back. None of you said that she won't go away. She just can't step out! Why?!

The Goenkas stood silent.

Kartik- And Aaru? She was a child. Even younger than Akshu. If she had been hating on her sister, whose responsibility was it to make her understand? You fixed her wedding! And when it broke down, none of you paid any heed. None of you tried to console her. First you gave so much attention that injustice happened with Akshu and then! When one random boy told you what you did wrong with  Akshu, you totally forgot about Aaru! Why?! Tell me! How dare you break your relationship when she married! If I was here, I would have dragged her back home. You left her there!

Kartik was very furious.

Kartik- Vansh and you guys! Aren't you children? Wasn't I clear when I said kids shouldn't be here?

He asked when Vansh tried to say something. Kartik was glaring hard.

Vansh and the other kids of the house went upstairs scared of Kartik at this point.

Kartik turned his attention back to his great family.

Kartik- Yes tell me

He again crossed his arms.

Kartik- I don't think it was that hard to explain my doll, her Akshu di isn't wrong. And I am very sure that you all knew! What the hell was going on between these two.

Manish- Kartik! Aaru was too hard to handle.

Kartik glared at Manish.

Kartik- A child was that hard to handle that you sent another away? Please!

Kartik said in disbelief.

Kartik- My Akshu also lost her parents that day but she was away from her home. And none of you brought her back because Aaru was hard to handle. And that Aaru who was hard to handle is now ignored by you. If she is such a big trouble, why aren't you all trying to handle her now? A troublesome kid isn't for sure left alone. Especially at someone else's house.

The Goenkas stood silent.

Kartik- Actually you were ignoring Akshu at first because you thought! That Aaru is traumatised as if Akshu isn't. And then when that-- whatever Birla he was. When he came as Akshu's knight in shining armour *rolls eyes* you started ignoring Aaru and her pain because you were so guilty. So basically you tried to prioritise your own emotions to be free from your guilt. You actually didn't really care about my girls.

The Goenkas looked down guiltily.

Kartik- Dadi! You are the elder. You should have spoken up when something wrong is happening.

Dadi- I am sorry Kartik

Kartik- It's alright Dadi. But I can't really forgive all this soon. It's ok now. Their parents have returned. I will help them realise their mistakes and solve this shit. I want you all to keep those Birlas away for now. God! I missed you

Kartik said and finally went to hug his family members sharing an emotional reunion.

Manish- We tried our best Kartik. But we are happy you returned. No one can know and make kids understand better than parents.

Kartik smiled softly and nodded.

His mind revolving around Akshu and Aaru.

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