3. Kartik Scolds Akshu & Aaru

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Kartik smiled softly as he came into the room of his daughters Akshu and Aaru but his smile fell when he saw them exchanging heated words

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Kartik smiled softly as he came into the room of his daughters Akshu and Aaru but his smile fell when he saw them exchanging heated words.

He sighed hard. He was trying to control his anger but seeing them fighting, it was hard to control.

He entered inside and both the girls quietened. He had a tray of three cups of hot tea in his hand.

"Care to explain", he said placing the tray on the table.

"She started it papa!"

Both said in chorus pointing at each other.

Kartik resisted the urge to smile at their cuteness but he was also disappointed nevertheless.

"Actually you both started it", Kartik said.

"What is wrong with you both? I can't understand. How come being sisters you even get the heart to fight this bad with each other?" He asked.

Aarohi and Akshu looked down hearing their father's angered filled voice.

"Sit down on the bed and take your cups. Quickly", he said.

Both the girls took their cups and sat on the bed looking down not daring to meet their father's eyes.

"Look at me when I am talking to you. Come on", he said. They both looked up. The upset look they saw on Kartik's face broke their heart.

"You both are my daughters so I will highlight your great deeds together. I came to know you both got a great hobby of telling papa to ignore what the other says and listen to only you. If Aaru is right, then Akshu is wrong. If Akshu is right, then Aaru is wrong. Isn't it?" He said.

"Sorry papa", both whispered.

"No. First listen and then decide if you are saying it or you truly feel sorry for your actions", he said angrily.

"Aarohi! I understand your hatred because you were a child and not confronting you was our family's fault. But what kind of behaviour is this? When Akshu came back, you didn't even greet her properly. You told her to go back? Really? Isn't it Akshu's house? Isn't she your elder sister? Where are your manners?" He scolded Aarohi. Aarohi looked down.

"Akshu! I understand you care for Aarohi a lot. But where was this care when you went ahead with marriage. Not only did you get with that Birla guy on Aaru's marriage day but you didn't even wait for her to heal as if nothing happened. You just went on with it without thinking about Aaru. Why is that? Did your love come to an end for her after a guy's entry?" He confronted Akshu. Akshu looked down.

"Aarohi Goenka! If someone isn't stopping you. Does that mean you got the liberty to do whatever you want? Why did you go for the exam without informing anyone and taking money behind everyone's backs? Don't you respect the elders of the family? Shouldn't you consider their advice before taking a step or have you grown too big? Who gave you the right to behave rudely with your elder sister? When you knew she and that guy loved each other, why did you tell her to go? Why didn't you accept it? Why did you blame her for Sirat's fall even now when finally the others decided to tell you it was an accident? Aren't you practical? You are known for your maturity still you behave like it. Wasn't Sirat, Akshu's mother? Don't you realise how terrible it is to be blamed for your own mother's death?" He said angrily.

"Akshara Goenka! Don't you realise the meaning behind love and control? Why didn't you wait for Aaru to tell you the truth or confront her? Why did you tell Neil about the pregnancy? Wasn't it someone's personal matter? Who gave you the right to interfere in it? Did Aaru give you that right? Or you got the licence to interfere in her life just cause you are her elder sister? Why did you be so impulsive? No one told you to be great and sacrifice your love. Still you decided to do it and you ended it by confessing your love on the marriage day? Why?! Don't you realise how important the day is for a girl and what goes on with her when it goes wrong? If you knew you can't live without that guy, you should have told the others earlier. The elders should have known! You should have never let the marriage day come! But what did you do? And if you chose to be silent? You should have been on the marriage day as well? You made a joke of Aarohi and went happily with your wedding preparations? Seriously Akshu?" He was disappointed.

"Aarohi! Is career so important to you? You decided to hide the fact of the accident. Don't you realise how over the board it is? This isn't being career oriented. This is called being selfish. Why did you marry behind everyone's back? You seriously think you can do anything and no one will say anything to you? Exactly how big have you grown, please let me know. Can you justify secretly marrying a guy your family barely knows. Or heck with it! Marry any guy seriously whether familiar or not? Who gave you the courage to blackmail your brother in law with the pregnancy report of your own sister? So much of attitude! So much of hate! Why is that Aaru?" He said shaking his head.

"Akshu! What made you think that asking for share is wrong that you made a ruckus out of it? You were not good at leaving your husband for whatever that doctor did. There are better ways to handle situations. You couldn't balance your own love life yet you dared to meddle with your sister's life? You asked Neil to ask you? Why would he ask you to marry Aru? Who are you to him? As far as I remember, he is an adult. Isn't he? Your husband kept telling his brother how bad your sister is and you didn't interfere. You let their engagement break. And you still call this all love and care? Akshu! Being good is fine and trying to express concerns for others as well. But meddling in someone else's life, thinking you are right always is not fine. There is no advantage of selfless deeds if they bring pain to everyone", Kartik said.

"Just because that guy came, you forgot Aaru. He didn't leave taunting her. He blamed her for every wrong and you did nothing. This is not what love is. Think about it Akshu! And Aaru, there is a difference between working towards your goals and committing wrong for your own selfish reasons. Ponder on your past deeds. I hope you don't drink and drive anymore being a doctor yourself. And Akshu! I hope you leave justifying yourself and try to see others point of views. Now think and about your actions and when you get the brains to analyse your mistakes, apologise to each other and the family cause you both have made them a lot upset. Your mothers are with your siblings. Give the cups to me. The tea has gotten cold. I will warm it for you both", he said taking the cups.

Akshu and Aaru were badly crying.

"Papa?" Akshu said. Kartik stopped. "Are you angry with us? Disappointed? Do you hate us?" Aaru asked with lower lip wobbling.

Kartik turned around. His heart dropped seeing his princesses crying but this was needed. "A father can never be angry on his children", he smiled softly. "Yes! I am a bit disappointed. But more concerned!" He said placing the tray on the table, kissing their foreheads and going out with the tray to warm the tea for his daughters.

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