Chapter 3

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You wake up with Carl's arm draped over you. you notice it's just you and him in the room. you smile and kiss his cheek.. You slip out of bed without waking him up. you walk outside and see the rest of the group there. Nat walks over to you. "how's he doing?" She asks

"He seems to be doing good."

"That's good. so *pokes you* you like him don't you." she say excitedly

"I have no clue what our talking about Nat."

"Oh my god you do!" She squeals "I soooooo knew it."

"Shhhhhh." You cover her mouth with your hands " be quiet we can't let anyone know." she nods her head and you slowly let go of her mouth.

"HEY EVERYONE, (Y/N) LIKE CARL." she says as she runs off

You stand there in utter disbelief as everyone turns to look at you. you turn as red as a tomato and run inside. you lock yourself in the bathroom and slide down the door. I swear gonna kill her, I can't believe she did that. what am I gonna do they are gonna tell Carl. You soon hear a knocking on the door. you don't reply you just start crying as quietly as you can.

"Please come out (y/n)." Carl says

"No." you say quietly sill crying a little

"Fine if you won't come out I'm coming in." you hear him walk off and you sigh. there's no way he can get in here right. you then hear foot steps coming towards you. you close your eyes ignoring them. you feel the door move away from ou and you fall back and hit your head.

You slowly sit up running the back of your head "ow."

"Sorry (y/n), but I said I was coming." he says offering a hand to you. you wave his hand away and stand up. he smiles slightly at you and then walks towards his bedroom. you follow him. he walks into the spare bedroom and sits on the bed. you stand in the door way

"Well are you coming in?"

"Uh yea." you say walking in and then siting next to him. You awkwardly sit next to him until he speaks up. "So uh you like me"

You heart beat speeds up. "Yes." You say very quietly. You start to look down but he lifts your head up.

"(Y/n), would like to be my girlfriend?"
Your complete speechless, all you can do nod your head yes.

He leans in and softly kisses your lip. You don't kiss back at first but then you melt into the kiss. When you pull away he smiles. You smile back at him, he grabs your hand and entwines your fingers. He stands up and walks you outside. You both sit down on the porch and look out at the view. He traces little shapes in the back of your hand and you close your eyes. You feel someone walk up behind you. You turn around and open your eyes am see it's Nat. She smiles at you and you smile back. Nat looks down and sees you and carl holding hands. Her smile starts to disappear and she walks off. Carl looks over at you.

"What was that about?"

"I have no clue." You reply and turn back towards the view. Lori walks outside and tells Carl he needs to go lay down. He sighs and walks inside. You lay back on the porch soaking up the start to fall asleep when someone sits down next to you. You slowly open your eyes and see Nat.

You sit up "Hey"

"Hi... So uh are you and Carl a thing?" He asks

"Uh yea but don't tell anyone we wanna tell everyone ourselves."


"Is something wrong Natalie?"

"No nothing's wrong."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm fine just back off." She snaps

"Oh okay, sorry" you say looking down

She sighs "no I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood."

"It's fine." You say quietly

"Wanna go for a walk?" She asks

"Yea sure."

We get our gun and walk off towards the woods. We walk around for a bit until we come up on a pond. We sit on a fallen tree trunk.

"So what do you think of the group?"

"Everyone seems pretty nice, I've actually gotten pretty close to carol and obviously Carl " you say smiling

"Yea I've got to know dale and glen and Daryl, I've talked to Maggie a little and she seems nice and then there's Beth."


She blushes lightly "uh yea she's Maggie's little sister and we've become close friends. She's very pretty and funny and she's really just a pretty cool person."

"Oh that's nice is love I meet her." You say smiling

"Okay well I think we should head back it's getting kinda dark."


You stand up and hear the growling of walkers "shit." Nat says

"Do you see them?" Ou ask right before one grabs you, you twist your ankle as you fall to the ground.You scream loudly as few more grab a hold of you. Natalie watched in horror as you fight off three walkers . You continue screaming our head off with trying to fight them. You pull out our gun and shoot one of them in the head before it gets knocks out of your hand. You soon hear people calling your name. Daryl comes into view and shoots the other two walkers. You sigh and lay back, Daryl walks over.

"You okay kid?"

"No not really, I didn't get bit or anything just twisted my ankle."

He pick you up and carries you back to the house with Nat following behind. Your say down in the couch, Hershel wraps up your ankle and Carl comes and sits next to you.

"Are you okay?" He asks frantically "I heard your screams." He says as he starts looking you over .

"I'm fine Carl, just twisted my ankle."

"Okay, do you know why Natalie didn't help you?"

"She was probably jut really freaked out, I mean there was three of them on top of me."

"THERE WAS THREE!" He screams

"Uh yea."

He pulls you in for a hug, you hug back and crawl into his lap "I can't believe she didn't help you." He says quietly

"It doesn't matter, Daryl came to the rescue."

"Yea well your never leaving without me ever again okay."

"What why."

"Because I'm the only one that will protect you at all costs."

(A/N: hiya my mini marshmallows, so uh yay chapter three I'm not real great at these authors notes but hey I'm tryin, but uh I would tell y'all's about mah life but I'm such a boring person, I am just a major fangirl who writes crapy fanfics.... So yea

Buh Bai my mini marshmallows ^-^

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