Chapter 30

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I grabbed my gun and hopped into the back of the van. Glenn hopped in next and we headed off. We arrived at this giant warehouse. Everyone climbed out of the van and checked around the building. There was only a front and back door. The back door seemed safer so we decided that's where we would go. We split up into groups. Me and Glenn headed to the east wing of the warehouse. We looked around for anything good when we heard screams. I look at Glenn ans he looked at me. We ran to the screams and it was Tara . Noah and Deannas son was dead. Eugene had Tara in his arms and ran past us. I turned around and ran after him. I slipped and twisted my ankle. I but my lip to hold in a scream Glenn pulled me up and helped me outside. Once we were all outside we piled into the van and drive out of there. I played in the back of the van hole Glenn examined my ankle.

"It's not that bad but it should probably be wrapped up."

I just not my head in response, the stun of Noah being dead is finally setting in.
I close my eyes tightly and bit my lip hard to keep from crying. I'm done showing my weak side to everyone. I'm gonna be strong. I lean back against the wall and daydream until we get back to Alexandria. Once we were inside the gates safely Carl threw open the back doors and grabbed me. He hugged me tightly.

"I was worried about you. I love you"

"I love you too Carl."

"Hey I have something to show you."


He doesn't explain he just grabs my hand and starts dragging me.

"C-carl stop!"

"What? What's wrong?" He asks concerns and turns around to face me. I sit down and hold my ankle.

"You got hurt, I'm so sorry I should've asked, is it broken?"

"No Glenn just said it was minor and I need to keep it wrapped."

"Okay well here" he says picking me up bridal style. "I'll carry you till we get it wrapped up."

I just nodded my head . He carried me to the side of town that was almost completely abandoned.((I'm making all this is btw)) There was a small little place that was filled with trees. He carried me in there. There was a big tree house on the talled tree.

"Do you think you can climb?"

"I can try." I say as he sets me down.

I carefully walk over to the tree and climb up the latter. Carl follows right behind me. Once we're up there he wrap my ankle up.

"So I was thinking"

"About what?" I ask

"Well we haven't like had a really marriage ceremony yet and I was thinking that we could have one here in the church if you wanted to."

I looked at him in surprise "O- of course I want to!" I say and hug him tightly

~time skip to the wedding cause Im a lazy son of a bitch~

I smile down at my dress. It wasn't an actual wedding dress but it was beautiful none the less.  It was knee length and white. It had lace all over it and was a little poofy. I did a little spin and Maggie clapped excitedly. 

"You look beautiful"

I smile at her "Thanks"

She smiles back at me and gives me a quick squeeze. I take one last glance into the mirror before I'm ushered out of the room.  Sasha grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs.  I stand in front of the big doors that lead outside.  I wipe off my dress and am handed my bouquet.  The door are slowly opened to reveal Carl at the end of the aisle.  When he looks up see me his eyes light up .  I smile and blush a little . The music starts playing and I slowly start asking down the aisle.  When the apocalypse started I didn't think this was possible.  To be happy,  to have someone I love,  to be married.  But here I am,  the love of my life standing there waiting for me.  I stand next to him and face him. 

"Hi. " he whispers

I giggle a bit and whisper hi back.

Everything else was a blur.  We decided to just use traditional vows and the Ines we write we would read to each other later.  The  ceremony is over in no time and we start walking back down the aisle to leave.  Everyone is cheering . Rick and Maggie are crying while Glenn is holding Judith and smiling at us.  I smile back at him and trip over my own feet.  I get ready to hit the ground but a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. 

"(Y/n) Grimes, " he says kinda sternly "you need to stop falling for me,  you're gonna hurt yourself" he smiles at me and picks me up bridal style . I laugh and hit him lightly.  Im not trying to fall! 

He chuckles "sure you weren't ."

Once we're out if the eyes if everyone he sets me down and kisses me.  I kiss back and he pushes me against a wall.  I hop up and wrap my legs around him.  I feel him smirk a bit and then slide his tongue into my mouth.  We continue kissing for a hut and then he slowly pulls away.  He sets his forehead against mine. 

"We need to go,  they are gonna wonder where we're at."

I nod a bit "yea. "

I slowly unwrap my legs and lean my head back against the wall. 

"What's wrong? " Carl asks sounding very concerned

I look at him and smile "nothings wring I'm just so happy ." I hug him tightly and he hugs back even tighter

"You're squishing me" I breath out.

"I know ." He says releasing me.  "Now come on." He says grabbing my hand and leading me back outside. We walk down the street to our house.  Our new home,  I smile and walk in.  There is music playing and everyone is already eating.

"Took ya long enough. " I hear Daryl yell.  I glare at him and walk into the kitchen. Carl follows right behind me.  We both get some food and fit down in the living room.  This feels more like a high school party rather than my wedding day.  I wouldn't want it any other way though.  Rick and Glenn come into the room arguing.

"Oh I will so kick your ass. "

"I doubt it. " Glenn scoffs.  He turns on the TV and pulls out the dance dance revolution mat.  They start going at it.  It'd just crazy dancing back and forth for the longest time.  Rick ends up winning.  Carl stands up to go against him dad and rick just stares at him with wide eyes and shakes his head no.  That causes everyone to chuckle.  Carl looks around and sees Daryl standing there.  They lock eyes and Daryl walks forward. 

"This is the only time you'll catch me doin' this. "

He steps on the mat and picks the song out and starts dancing.  I smile and laugh. Once he's done Carl gets in the mat and starts dancing his heart out.  He still ends up losing to Daryl.  He cross his arms and pouts like a child.  I walk over and hug him tightly.  He slowly hugs back still pouting.  Everyone takes turns playing and after a while they all slowly leave.  Carl and i go upstairs after they have all left. I flop onto the bed and so does Carl.  He pulls me close and wraps his arms around me. I bury my face into his chest. 

"Do you think we're going to finally have our happy ever after. "

" I'd like to think so. "

I smile at him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek . "Do you ever want to have kids some day ?"

"Of course I do.  Maybe sometime soon because this place seems really safe.  I think we could start a family here.  "

"You really think so? "

"Yes I do."

I smile to myself and snuggle into Carl. 

I never thought I would end up here but God am I glad I did.  Even though the apocalypse is horrible I'm glad it's happened.  Without it I doubt I would've grown up to marry Carl and be happy.  Life before the apocalypse wants horrible it just want the best either. Carl changed me for the best and I'm glad I'm the who gets to live him for the rest of our lives. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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