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Quote of the day:

"If I can breathe you can breathe too."

< Mr. Jackman ~ 2024 >


Ho ho ho, tis the season to be jolly 😍, Can't wait for Christmas and my last days of school are 2 weeks too long (cough cough achoo achoo)

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In my last weeks of being a junior (3rd form) there was a fire near our school right, and the teachers told us to exit the building to the field out front.

So when everyone was out on the field (cuz some of these mongrel offspring forgot to put a lil pep in their steps) we were waiting for like the emergency bell to ring so we could leave,

But it never did and it had us a lil confuffled yk??🤨
So we out here on de field lingering like a big ahh flock of birds while the smoke was starting to intrude our premises,

Students calling dem parents, students with asthma coughing and trying to find them inhaler, a boy run out de gate and down de hill almost getting caught by the security guard and teachers saying we couldn't leave,

And me sitting on a bench trying not to get K.O'd by de smoke even tho I don't have asthma (I'm prone to get asthma due to my type of excema like some hidden achievement)

We start to complain cuz it was like 30 minutes since we got on the field and this delusional burnt Thanksgiving turkey that was in his office, with air conditioning, had the AUDACITY.

To say that "If I can breathe, you can breathe too" EXCUSE MY FINEST PARDON OUT OF YOUR BLACK ASS CRACK? How can you have the BALLS to say something so ludicrous?

Children are literally coughing their lives out and you decide to say that? Absolute ignorance.😒


N.B - I'm so happy that we have a new principal now, cuz this BIATCH had my aggression through the mincraft block height limit.

[ < W.C 323 > ]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2024 ⏰

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