The Phone

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Some women are looking at their spouse's phone. They are looking for the slightest evidence that could incriminate him in infidelity.

For Elena, she had already given up on the game long before, because online dating seemed to be her husband's favorite sport. He liked it. Caught in the act, he swore by all the gods that he would never do it again.She watched, stoic to all her infidelities. To the question why she did not leave him, she answered tirelessly because of her children!Kevin was a bad husband but, played his role as a father perfectly. They had been married for ten years and had two children. In their union, it was not crazy love, but they respected each other. They fought to keep the family together.Until the famous day when a new element came to upset their union.Elena had a terrible day at the supermarket where she is a cashier. Once home she had to take care of the children and some housework.While she was in the kitchen, she heard her husband call out her name.

-Elena! Elena, I have to get out. A last minute meeting-At this time? Answered herHe came quickly to kiss her. Kevin was not very expressive and was a bad liar.-Yes Joseph receives customers said Kevin.Joseph was Elena's older brother. Kevin and Joseph ran a building materials company. They were fighting to find a place in the market. But that night Elena suspected very much of her husband's sudden departure. For it was already nine o'clock. Exhausted, it was then that she was a request to her husband.Please, darling can you give the children a bath before going out?Kevin shrugged and said:-Why do you want me to be late for my meeting?
He seemed to be upset, but quickly executed his wife's request and came out five minutes later running, it was like seeing someone who is going to miss their plane.-I'm out the kids are clean! cried Kevin.-What? In five minutes? replied Elena.Kevin had already slammed the door.Elena was heading for the room...

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