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Shiveringclan: (Why am I even listing them, Idk)

Leader:Ratstar:Long-haired reddish she-cat with amber eyes.

Deputy:Rubblescratch: Brown and grey she-cat with dark blue eyes.

Medicine Cats:
Hootsong:Long-haired flame-colored and white tabby tom with yellow eyes.

Mothsnout:Black she-cat with green eyes.

Greyflower:Dark brown tom with mottled silver markings and pale orange eyes.

Sunnytoe:Big cream tabby tom with bright yellow eyes. Apprentice:Starlingpaw

Vinefoot:Reddish she-cat with black markings on her foot and dark green eyes. Apprentice:Trickpaw

Fringesplash:Deaf orange and blueish calico she-cat with pale green eyes.

Whisperswoop:Dark grey tabby tom with teal eyes. Apprentice:Yewpaw

Scorchbrook:Dark brown she-cat with an orange tail and dark yellow eyes.

Vixenfoot:Small golden she-cat with brown color-point markings and amber eyes. Apprentice:Hillpaw

Starlingpaw:Blind silver tabby tom with pale blue eyes and black spotting.

Trickpaw:Long-haired white tom with bright yellow eyes.

Yewpaw:Spiky-furred light cream tabby she-cat with reddish and black tortie dappling and amber eyes.

Hillpaw:Reddish tabby she-cat with pale green eyes.

Pigeoneye:Grey and black color-point she-cat with orange eyes. (Mother to Roaringkit)

Bloomripple:Dark orange she-cat with white spotting and orange eyes. (Mother to Groundedkit and Marshkit)

Fallenmouse:Silver tabby she-cat with copper eyes.

Cricketsplash:Large mottled dark golden she-cat with a long tail and dark orange eyes.


Leader:Shystar:Long-haired cream tabby tom with pale blue eyes.

Deputy:Storkfeather:Dark blueish tom with orange eyes. Apprentice:Birdpaw

Medicine Cats:
Crookedclaw:Golden tabby she-cat with terqoise eyes.

Blazeburrow:long-haired dark orange tom with gold eyes.

Flickerheart:Reddish she-cat with a tortie tail and amber eyes.

Turtletoe:Long-haired grey tabby she-cat with green eyes and white paws.

Flailbranch:Pale blueish she-cat with brown eyes and a ringed tail.

Torntail:Pale orange she-cat with a stub tail and green eyes.

Runningfall:Long-haired silver tom with orange eyes.

Downpetal:Pale grey and cream calico she-cat with emerald green eyes.

Shiningface:Long-haired black tom with a golden face, a flower behind his ear, and dark orange eyes. Apprentice:Olivepaw

Lowheart:Long-haired pale grey and white tom with amber eyes.

Olivepaw:Mute brown and cream tom with olive green eyes.

Birdpaw:Short-tailed grey tabby tom with amber eyes.

Acornflight:Pale brown she-cat with dark orange eyes. (Mother to Bluebellkit, Crumblekit, and Pearlkit)

Brokenheart:Long-haired flame-colored she-cat with blue-grey eyes.


Leader:Danglingstar:Dappled tortishell tom with orange eyes.

Deputy:Firestream:3 legged flame-colored tabby she-cat with battle-scarred ears.

Medicine Cats:
Solomnwhisper:Pale blueish, silver, and reddish tortishell she-cat with pale orange eyes.

Meadowwing:Pale tortishell she-cat with green eyes.

Snailfire:Pale tortishell tom with amber eyes.

Brairburrow:Plump dark grey tom with a golden tabby tinged muzzle and orange eyes.

Vulturemuzzle:Mottled dark brown tom with yellow eyes.

Wildheart:Mute light grey tabby she-cat with 6 toes on her right forepaw and amber eyes. Apprentice:Oddpaw

Songflower:Long-haired color-point tom with orange eyes. Apprentice:Wetpaw

Shiningshine:Thin silver mottled tom with golden eyes.

Flashbird:Silver and black color-point tom with yellow eyes.

Wetpaw:Half-blind brown tom with one blue eye.

Oddpaw:Small golden tabby she-cat with pale yellow eyes.

Spottedsilver:Silver tabby she-cat with dicrotic eyes.

Nettleheart:Very small orange she-cat with dark brown eyes. (Mother to Foxkit)

Purepounce:White she-cat with grey eyes.

Hazelheart:Thin dark grey she-cat with a long tail and hazel eyes.

Tanglewing:White she-cat with dark grey eyes.

Maggotwater:Golden tabby she-cat with blue eyes.

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