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He sneezed for the millionth time while lying on the couch in the grandfather's office.

His eyes kept opening and closing, and even breathing was a little difficult.

Everything in his body hurt, especially the wound from the bullet graze, but he was afraid to mention it in case they would laugh at him.

Lithar was sitting behind the desk, and Shaheen was sitting across from him, discussing work matters.

The grandfather had left to meet with some people. Ruham didn't know who they were, but he wasn't really paying attention to work matters anyway, since he didn't care about it.

For the past few days, ever since that incident, his grandfather had strongly refused to let Ruham stay by himself.

Not only had he placed several guards around him, but he insisted that Ruham stay with him at all times, or with Lithar or Shaheen.

He didn't trust the other grandchildren for his protection, especially Midqam.

Midqam had been sent for the thousandth time to one of the training camps as a punishment.

Ruham didn't care about it since it wasn't his concern.

What happened to Midqam wasn't important, even if it was because of him.

He closed his eyes in exhaustion, trying to stay awake.

He didn't like to sleep in front of anyone, but the exhaustion he felt was stronger than his wishes.

Since he woke up, his whole body had been aching.

He had fallen asleep without realizing it because of exhaustion and pain.

Both Shaheen and Lithar turned to look at the person sleeping on the couch.

Shaheen, with curiosity: Do you think he's really asleep, or is he pretending?

Lithar stared at Ruham for a few seconds, then turned back to the file in front of him.

Shaheen grew impatient while waiting for Lithar to finish reading the report. He walked over to the sleeping boy.

He crouched down in front of him, staring at him curiously.

Shaheen: Ooh. Are you really sleeping?

He whispered and pressed Ruham's cheek with his finger.

He was surprised when Ruham scrunched his nose in discomfort and slapped his hand away.

Curious, Shaheen placed his hand on Ruham's nose, and the boy slapped his hand again.

Despite his dislike for Riham, Shaheen secretly found him very cute.

Shaheen? He loved owning everything cute.

But the problem was, even though Ruham was adorable, he could also be overly annoying.

With his wide eyes and long lashes, his chubby cheeks on his thin frame, and his ability to steal the grandfather's full attention.

He was a mix of everything Shaheen loved and hated at the same time.

And it was extremely annoying.

Shaheen got up and went back to Lithar.

He sat on the chair and raised his legs on the table.

Lithar, calmly: Shaheen.

Shaheen rolled his eyes: Yes, yes, I'll take them down.

He lowered his legs again.

Shaheen: When will you be done? We need to go back to the headquarters to check the new shipment.

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