Chapter 2: Nightmare

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Soul P.O.V.

I wake up in the middle of the night , screaming. Maka is now at my bed side, holding my hand. 

"I'm ok ,I'm ok, Maka..."

"No you're not! ,now tell me what the hell is going on!"she ask,almost crying

"It's just a nightmare, Maka"

"Just?! it's been five days straight since you've been waking up in the middle of the night, so don't tell me it's nothing,it's fine if you don't want to tell me what that nightmare was about, but stop suffering in your corner alone, ....youre not alone Soul....

There's a little silence.

"Maka.." I said 

"What is it Soul?"

"It's because of ... The black blood, it's trying to take over "

Her eyes widen.

"Since when have you been having those nightmares ?"

"It's been two weeks ..."

"Two weeks..." Whisper Maka to herself.

"Why do you ask?"

"Soul I've been having scary nightmares since two weeks too!"

"What!?" I ask surprise.

Can Maka be infected too ? If so, how?

" Maka what is this nightmare you're talking about?You have to tell me!"

"Only if you promise to tell me yours after..."

I nod, I need to know, I still hope that it's just a normal nightmares. To think that Maka was suffering all this time and I just thought about myself, how selfish, the only thing that matters now is saving her.

"Alright first..." Start my meister "I'm in a dark room, with just a little light, and the room start  to be filled with black blood and I'm drowning in it,'s like dying, I was feeling everything ...than I wake up in a other room and you are there...There 's also the piano , you just stand emotions in you're eyes and when I reach my hand for you , you disapear and the walls are becoming closer, and at one point they crush me, I die again, but before, I always see you appearing again smilling evily and than I wake up."

I stay silent.I don't know what to say.but I feel really angry , how can she be infected? I need to meet the little demon, tell him to leave Maka alone...

"Well Soul , now you tell me youre nightmare..."

" I have to go..." I said

" what. Soul, what are you—"

" I need to go in there, I need to meet him. "

" him?"

" I need to...Maka wait for me...I'm gonna be there a little while..."

She's about to speak, but I cut her off 

"The demon, I'm gonna meet the demon...Will you wait for me Maka?as long as you are with me, I won't give in to the madness...'"

She still look troubled, but she nod her head.and smile.

"I'll be waiting..."she said in a strong voice "when you come back you keep you're promise and tell me about you're nightmare,ok"

I give her a smirk 

"I promise"

Than I lay down on my bed and close my eyes.Hope you're ready demon, I'm coming!

Maka P.O.V.

I don't understand all that's going on , but I believe in him.Soul...whatever you do please come back soon! I'm holding his hand, hoping this action to act like a dream catcher.

Soul P.O.V.

I open my eyes, I'm in the DWNA'corridor....what the hell. There's not a single leaving soul in there. The lights starts to flash. I start to walk . I hear a creapy laugh. Where did that come from? I continue to walk and I see ... Black Star and Tsubaki...that's really confusing...

" Soul!" Scream Black Star

" what are you doing in here ?" I ask still shock.

"We should go, this place is really freaky..." Said Tsubaki's shy voice.

" you're right, let's not waste another second here—"

When I turn my head to see them , there's nothing ...were they an hallucination?When I turn my head to the front, I see my two friends, covered in blood,dead on the ground. One of Black star's Arms been riped off , and both of Tsubaki's legs been visibly violently broken, I can see the bones coming out..I can't look this, so I close my eyes.when I open them again, everything desapear, And I'm not in a corridor anymore, I'm in our's empty. I see a boy  sitting in a chair and he is writting something...I come closer and I reconize his face Dr.stein.

"Hey, Stein!"I yell 

But he  just continue to write I come closer and when I am close enough I see that he is writting something in blood! I look at his side and there's a corpse, Stein dissected him and his writting with this person's blood.I look at the corpse face, it's ...Kid! His blood and is guts have been spilled On the three desks close to where Stein is, discusting.I turn to see what's on the sheet of paper "give in Soul"I must get out of there, I turn back to not see Kid corpse and Stein , but on my way there's a girl standing there....she seems faniliar 

Maka P.O.V.

Soul been sleeping for two days straight !What' s happenning? I know what I should do, I approche my forehead from Soul's. "I hope this will save you're Soul."I whisper


Chapter 3 coming soon

I know this chapter is really discusting, but I warned you in the first chapter...this story is dark

But I hope you loved it anyway😎👍🏻

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