Basically When Hugo Confessed his feelings to Sofia on her Birthday thanks to Princess Hildegard.
Princess Sofia has a crush on Prince Hugo.
Hugo likes Sofia back.
But they wouldn't confess it. So they only told Princess Amber about it.
They should've known better than to tell her.
Who would've known she put the two lovebirds' faith in his hands?
It all started on Sofia's birthday, on the Royal Prep courts. Sofia was just having practice, and Hugo was about to tell Sofia happy birthday.
"Sofia, h-" Prince Hugo was then interrupted by Hildegard holding out her leg so he would trip, with our trickster hoping that when Sofia landed on top of Hugo, it would make their love bloom.
However, it did something way unexpected.
Hugo's lips met Sofia's.
So there they were, on the ground, lip locked. Hildegard didn't mind his plan went wrong a bit, she was too busy laughing along with Princess Amber and Princess Clio. Princess Vivian just stared at the scene while Prince James and Prince Zander sighed.
"That's your birthday gift to Sofia?" Clio asked, laughing like crazy. "Yep!" Hildegard replied, trying not to go too far with his laugh.
Somehow, Hugo heard the laughs.
"(My gift?)" The Prince thought. "(Hildegard … this is the best gift ever. Although I suspect you'll be punished by Fauna after I'm done with this kiss.)"
Sofia then started to deepen the "kiss", causing Hugo to blush, and the laughing increased.
"(Wait, is she kissing me back? Does that me she loves me too?)" That was single thought that suddenly ran through the prince's mind.
Then Hugo started to kiss back, causing Sofia to blush too. Soon, they were in a deep passionate kiss, both blushing, with all the regulars now joined in on the laughter which was so loud that tears were rolling from their eyes.
When the two broke apart, each of their faces were bright red and they exchanged that classic "I love you". They got up and noticed the other regulars laughing so hard right now, that they were on the ground. Hugo looked at Sofia, who then nodded, when they heard Fauna's punishment.
"Amber, Vivian, James, Clio, Hildegard, Zander! ALL OF YOU! 100 LAPS AROUND THE COURT, NOW!"
The others stopped laughing and obeyed. Nobody did stared at Hildegard for making them do the laps, but for a slight moment, she saw Sofia planting a kiss on Hugo's cheek while they winked at her like they were saying "thank you".
Oh, this was so worth the laps.

Hugfia's 30 Day OTP Challenge
RomanceWelcome to the 30 Day OTP Challenge Sofia The First Edition with Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo.