Nothing will stop Sofia from jumping into a pile of leaves. Not even her boyfriend.
A massive pile of leaves sat in the backyard of Hugo's castle, pristine and perfect, just waiting to be picked up.
Princess Sofia smiled, thinking back to when James and her would be assigned the job of raking their backyard, but they would never get it done because as soon as the pile was big enough, they would go piling into it, spreading the leaves all over the yard again.
She pulled on a sweater to protect her from the chill, heading outside to look for Hugo. She saw there was no sign of him, only the rake leaning against the house, so she wandered closer to the pile, fully immersing herself in memories of James and her.
“I swear, if you jump in there and ruin it, I won't be the one cleaning it again.”
The princess whirled around, seeing Hugo emerge from the back door courtyard with trash bags, making his way over to her with a smirk.
“I was thinking about when I used to do that with my brother, but I was not planning on jumping in currently.” Sofia chuckled, wrapping an arm around his waist as they faced the pile.
He hummed. “Too bad. That would have been a sight to see.” He kissed her temple, meeting her outstretched arm with one of his own around her shoulders.
“Even if it meant having to rake the leaves up again?” Princess Sofia taunted.
“Well, I still wouldn’t be the one cleaning them up, but I reiterate, the sight of you leaping into a pile of leaves would be fun to see.”
“It could still happen, you know.” She purred as they turned to face each other, sliding her cold hands up his chest and to his warm neck, watching as he hissed, but didn’t move her hands away.
“And how exactly would that happen?” Prince Hugo raised an eyebrow, daring her, and she took the challenge.
Sofia smiled smugly, wrapping her arms fully around his neck before falling sideways, trusting her weight to pull him off balance and let him tumble with her into the cushion of leaves.
They were laughing before they hit the pile, sending a heap of leaves into the air which settled on top of them, covering them from head to toe.
Quickly, she straddled him, resting her elbows on his chest and propping her chin up so that she could stare down at him. “Exactly like that.” Sofia cheeked, leaves still fluttering down around them.
Hugo laughed, admiring the woman on top of him with leaves in her hair and covering her clothes, a pink flush appearing on her cheeks and the tips of her ears turning red from the cold. Hugo pulled her down for a kiss, taking his turn to rest his cold fingers on her neck which made Sofia yelp, but she quickly forgot all about it, relaxing into his kiss instead.
He couldn’t imagine any place better.

Hugfia's 30 Day OTP Challenge
RomanceWelcome to the 30 Day OTP Challenge Sofia The First Edition with Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo.