Chapter 8.

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// Family Dinner, August //

"August!!!" Everyone comes up and hugs me, I smile. They look at Charity and greet her she holds her hand out for them to shake but of course they push that away and hug her.

(Charity: Family Reunion outfit on top)

"You're beautiful!" My Auntie Pam says.

"Thank you." Charity smiles.

"Come on in, you're mom is inside." Aunt Pam says.

We walk inside. The house is crowded with people.

"Heyyyyy yalllll!!!" My moms come and hugs us.

"Charity made some pies." I help take the pies out of Charity's hand.

"Thank you darling." My mom looks at Charity she looks down at her body. I know Charity has gotten a bit fat. It's cute to me though. "Aug your boys are outside and honey you can stay inside and help me."

Charity looks at me.

"It's alright my moms good people." I kiss her and leave her with my moms.

// Charity //

Everyone is having a good time while I'm sitting still. August mom and a few other girls stare at me now and then .

"It's Damati right!?" A young girl says.

"Huh, no it's Charity." I fake smile, she hugs me.

"I'm Reena August sister I heard so much about you you're so beautiful I see you with him all the time but you never see me." She says, she talks and talks and talks until Trev shuts her up.

"Where's August?" Trev ask.

"He went out back." His mom answers for me. "Child why you soo quiet come on in here."

She introduces me, some of them call me Damati, which is August assistant I'm ready to explode, how come they know that bitch instead of me. But I let it slide and I continue conversating with them.

They tell me a lot about August, things August never bought up to me. I didn't know his father died from crack. Some of the stories are heartbreaking but some are funny.

"Honey can you get that glass right there for me!?" She ask, I get up slowly and walk to the cup I try to avoids the smell of the food by covering up my nose.

"Dang honey the last time I saw you, you was small what you eating soo good?" August mom jokes. I laugh a bit. She stares at me though while the others talk about being young and small like me and how the boys would fall to their knees.

We go back and sit down but his mother won't stop staring at me, she looks shocked.

I get on my phone and start feeling a bit uncomfortable. The dinner goes on for a while it feels like forever, I'm mad because I keep peeing constantly and I begin to have migranes.

"You ready to eat?" August grabs my hand.

"I'm not hungry right now, I don't feel good." I say. He kissies my forehead.

"Alright I'll make sure you get a plate to go." He takes my hand and sits me in the living room. I watch his family, I never had a family like August does.

They enjoy their time eating, August mom comes and sits beside me before everyone leaves. She looks at me dead in my face and slides closer, this lady is creeping me out.

"You're pregnant." She whispers.

"No." I become nervous and lie.

"Yes you are..." She looks at my belly and touches it. "oh my god, your pregnant... does August know?"

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