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It's been a month. She hasn't spoken to me in a month. Whilst I was procrastinating, among other things of course , I found this photo of us: her teaching me how to skate, it was taken by my best guy friend, Blaze. He was the only one I had dared to confide in about my friendship with... Don't think about her. This is stupid, I'm talking to myself, she would have laughed in my face. She's permanently etched into my head..... GOD!!!!!
Anyways back to topic, it's her fault really. Wendy clung to my arm and refused to let go, what was I supposed to do, shove her off. Who am I kidding, it was my fault. Maybe if I bought her something she would forgive me, maybe?? My dad is pissing me off, he keeps telling me to "marry the most influential chick, you're life has no value anyways, the least you can do is earn me more money". What an amazing father I have, no?
Most of you would say, it could be worse, he could be starving you. Newsflash!! He does starve me. Quite often actually when I'm being my "usual useless self" in his words. In mine, basically not paying one penny of attention to all those "rich girls"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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