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Sleeplessness (Dirk Strider x Reader) 2

~Your POV~

You had woken up as soon as you felt your bed shift. Your (e/c) eyes had slowly opened and you saw Dirk's blurred figure walking away. Suddenly, you felt insecure and unsafe, although just moments ago you were sleeping soundly. You had no idea that it was Dirk's fingers running through your hair, his lips kissing your forehead, you just knew that you didn't want him to leave you. You didn't know what it was, but something gave you courage and made you stop him. 'It's no use... Why am I doing this? I know he doesn't feel the same way...' You thought sadly, but nonetheless, your hand was outstretched for him, gripping lightly onto his shirt. He looked back at you, and for the first time you saw a different expression on his face. One of shock and surprise. His mouth was slightly agape, and though you couldn't tell what emotion his shaded eyes held, you could see that his blonde eyebrows were raised.

"Wait...." Your voice was quiet, and you were afraid for a second that he didn't hear you. Or, even worse, that he didn't care. You were so scared. 'This is wrong. I know it is. What am I doing? They already told me th-' You began thinking, but Dirk's low voice cut your thought process off.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying to regain his composure, the shock fading from his expression. You let out a tired sigh, giving up on convincing yourself to just let him leave. You had already stopped him. It would be strange of you to not carry on with what you were planning on saying. Nonetheless, your felt your cheeks get hot, and you hoped that it was so dark that he couldn't see the red blush that adorned your face.

".... Um.... Please.... Don't leave." You whispered. This time you were almost sure that he didn't hear you; your voice was so soft. Too soft. You mentally cursed at the lack of volume in your voice. To your surprise, however, Dirk turned so that he was standing and facing you. He raised an eyebrow, and you half had to convince yourself that you didn't see a blush on his own face.

"(Y/n), why? You were just sleeping only a d*mn moment ago." He spoke, and the blush on your face worsened. You couldn't meet his gaze, so you looked away.

".... When you got up, I woke up." You replied and he sighed, running his bare hands through his already-tousled blonde hair. His reaction made you regret stopping him.

"(Y/n)...." He said your name and you squeezed your (e/c) eyes shut.

"I-I'm sorry, you can leave, I'll just-" You began apologizing, but Dirk's actions cut you off. He lifted the covers on your bed and got in, laying down beside you right after and wrapping his arms loosely around your waist. Your first reaction was shock; your eyes were wide, your lips parted in surprise. A split-second after, your body was flooded with warmth and you shivered, your (e/c) eyes closing slowly. 'He's so close... And warm....' You thought, not even having the strength to fight the blush that wasted no time in creeping on to your cheeks. You could tell by his scent - which just so happened to smell like the pine trees that littered the area around your house - that he had, in fact, been sleeping outside before you had talked to him earlier that night. You smiled, remembering his denial earlier. You shivered yet again as his fingers made their way to your (h/c) hair, stroking and weaving through it softly.

"You really don't understand, do you?" He asked, it seemed more to himself than to you. His tone was filled with conflict and he sighed right after, pulling you closer to himself. You were lulled to sleep by his steady heartbeat, his words repeating themselves inside the walls of your mind.

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