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Williams POV

I ran away.

I heard my name and instantly regretted ever coming to find Erica.

Apperantly, I was too loud when I tried to run away, because the police caught me.

"Stop running or we'll shoot"

I froze

"Put your hands where I can see them"

I put my hands up.

The policemen came over and were arresting me, while I saw in the distance Alicia gasping and covering her mouth while tears streamed out of her eyes and screams came out of her mouth.

Something was wrong. She started breathing heavily and holding her chest. She was crying so hard. She was holding her head in place. She started to drop to her knees and and one drop of blood fell out of her mouth as she fell to the ground.

I screamed


The police called an ambulance and took Alicia away. This was all my fault. I started crying. My eyes burning with pain. I was shoved into a police car and taken to the hospital.

The police took me into a room and strapped me to a chair so I couldn't get up and started asking me questions.

"How do you know Erica?"

"She goes to my school. She is one of my closest friends. She is my girlfriend."

"Did anything happen last night that she didn't want to happen?"

"What? no!"

"Did you rape her?"


"Don't you lie to me because I will be asking Erica the same questions."

"I am not lying!"

"Do you want to see Erica?"

"More than anything."

"Do you know why she is mad at you?"

"No idea, please believe me officer, I would never try to hurt her."

"Then when you heard Alicia say your name, why did you run?"

"I did what any other man would do! I knew you would arrest me! I didn't want to be arrested for something I didn't do or didn't know I did!"

"Ok, look I am going to have a lot more questions but first I am going to bring Erica in here of she agrees, would you like that?"

"Yes please"

The officer left the room. A bunch of things starting spinning through my head. Did I hurt her? Was I drunk? Did I do something to her?

The door nob slowly started to turn.

My heart was beating faster and faster. I was about to see Erica, the love of my life.

The door swung open and Erica and the police officer were in the doorway.

Erica looked awful. She had two black eyes, a cut lip, stitches above her eyes on her forehead, a cast on her arm, a black boot on her foot, a brace on her knee, red eyes, a gash on her left leg, a cut on her ear, and blood was dripping out of her mouth. But worst of all there was a frown on her face and tears spilling out of her eyes. She didn't want to see me.

The police helped her to her seat.

"Erica..." I said

"Shut up." The police officer interrupted. " you will not say a word to Ms.Erica unless she asks you a question or she says you can talk to her. Now, I am going to ask Erica the same questions I asked you earlier. And you should be grateful Erica agreed to come in her Mr.Paver"

"Erica, How do you know William?"

"He goes to my school and he was one of my closest friends. He is my EX-boyfriend." Erica started to cry. "I'm sorry officer!"

"Wait EX! Erica you aren't breaking up with me are you?"

"SILENCE" The police officer said. "Erica are you ok? Do you want to stop?"

"No I am fine" she sniffled. "I'm ready"

"Ok, did anything happen Friday night that you didn't want to happen?"

"Well... Yes"


"STOP! It's Erica's turn! Erica, when you said something happened last night that you didn't want to happen. Did you mean anything involving forced to do it like rape or..."

"OH NO OFFICER!!! William is not guilty of anything like that!"

"Do you want to see William or talk to him in private?"

"No I don't"

"Please Erica we need to talk about this!"

"Be quiet Paver" said the police officer.

"Erica will you..."


"Yes Erica"

"May I tell you what happened in private because this is not anything against the law that needs to be this involved"

"Ok Ms.Erica"

The police officer walked Erica out of the room slowly.

Erica turned around and looked at me. The hate and sadness in her eyes spoke for her. One tear slipped out of her eye. Her lips were quivering. She was about to say something but she turned around instead.

The doer closed and made the creaking noise. I tried to listen to their conversation but they were too quiet and the door was too far away.

All I could here was Silence.

Cold, dark, innocent yet guilty Silence.

Until I heard...

Erica scream.

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