17. Proved it

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"what are you doing here Connor" I asked Connor "oh I wanted to prove something here" Connor responded "oh what did you want to prove Connor" Mariana asked "umm Mariana its non of your business" I said than walking upstairs with Connor on my tail than we got to my room "why are you here" I asked him "I wanted to prove myself to you like I said downstairs" Connor told me " this proves nothing". "it will in a minute" than he kissed me and snapped a picture "what are you doing Connor" I asked him surprised "because I'm going to post it on my instagram" he said to me. "what, why would you do that" Jude said shocked

"to prove that I do like you" than Jude started laughing "okay you proved it but don't post anything like that on instagram" than he hugged Connor and than Lena walked in "oh have I interrupted anything boys". "oh no mom you didn't we were just heading out" than we went to eat in the table. I have a feeling everyone was at the door when me and Connor we're having our personal conversation.

"umm Jude do you have anything new that happened today like five minutes ago" Mariana asked "me and Connor just talked that's pretty much it" I said trying to give her the less amount of information as I could "oh is that so well momma said" but she was interrupted by momma "that its dinner time and we should leave Jude alone". "your family is a little nosy but they seem nice" Connor whispered in my ear then I started to giggle "I know".

"you know what Jude" Callie said "its non of your business Callie so can all of you guys just mind your business" than everyone just looked down "You know you can tell them" Connor whispered in my ears "tell them what we don't go out" I said hoping he'd get the hint "well than do you want to go out with me Jude?" and mission accomplished "I don't know do I?" I asked playfully

"oh is that so" he asked than started nibbling on my ear of course his hand is blocking my ear. Than I started giggling and everyone looked at us "okay Connor I will go out with you" I said than everyone started squealing "I knew it".

"you knew what" I asked like nothing happened "oh, I knew you and Connor are a couple" she said questioned "who said me and Connor are couple" Jude said with a smirk "you just did about three minutes ago" Mariana said back confused."that doesn't mean we are a couple you and your friends go out all the time" I said trying as hard as a can not to laugh "oh sorry Jude" she said looking disappointed.


Jude was missing with his sister because she is nosy but he's plan was working until Jesus said "well its not everyday me and my bro's nibble on each others ears" than everyone started laughing "okay me and Connor are going out but can you guys leave us alone" Jude said than everyone started hugging than we helped cleaning up than headed up the stairs

"No closed doors honey" Lena said to us "we know mom" Jude said back a little embarrassed . "Jude can I sleepover tonight" I asked him "umm sure but I'll have to ask my moms". a couple minutes later he came back saying they said I can sleep over. "now I have to tell my dad if I can sleepover" than I see jude's smile disappear "what happened Jude".

"its just that I don't want your dad beating you up because of me" he started to cry "Jude it doesn't matter what my dad does or says he can't break us apart" I reassured him "does your dad know that we are together" when he asked I was quiet than he got up "Jude wait" but he left and said "I'm not mad I just need some air I'll be back". Than I text my dad to bring me some clothes because I would be staying the night. Than Jude came back " wait Connor how did you find my address" I was a little surprised by the question than I remembered he never told me.

"oh remember I was in charge of send the mail to the parents" I said than he said "well Connor your a stalker". "oh my dad just texted me he's outside with my clothe I got to go get them". Than when I came back "Jude even if I get beaten by my dad for being me you know its not your fault" I told him " but I am the one your dating so it is my fault he told me "but its not like your playing a trick with my mind and forcing me to go with you.... or are you" I said joking than getting on top of him but my hands were pushing me up so I wouldn't kill him than kissing him

"umm Jude" than we bought jumped "I just came to get my headphones" Jesus said than laughing "also Jude you might want to close the door next time or get your own room" than he left "well that was embarrassing" I said "tell me abo-" he was interrupted by Lena "its time for bed boys you guys need some sleep and Jesus is sleeping on the couch tonight.. goodnight" than we got on our beds "Jude you wouldn't mind if I sent someone the pictures of us kissing" he was shocked "of course I would mind what kind of creep wants to see people kissing" he said

"oh not like that I don't know how to tell my dad so I'll just send my dad the picture with I am gay as a caption" the he relaxed and said "sure, but won't he come and get you" Jude said "no its a little to late to do that he'll probably come in the morning and never let us sleepover but I don't care" I reassured him "but what if he starts-". "And send".

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