26. I see...

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Connor's POV

><><><><><><>Next Day<><><><><><><

"today boys what do you guys want to do?" my dad asked acting like yesterday's conversation never happened. After last night I can't look at him in the eyes then I'll start thinking about. Me and Jude both shrugged to his question. "lets go for a swim, then we'll walk through the forest to see what's there" he suggested Jude and I just nodded and followed him.

We started swimming and talking about school. "so how are they treating you boys at school, with the whole being gay thing?" he asked "like normal, its not as bad as you think" Jude said "oh good well, have you guys decided what sport you want to play this year?" he asked "I don't really want to... play a sport this year" I said "why not?" he asked harshly "I have better things to do after school now" I said

"like what? What can be better than anything that includes balls or psychical activity?" he asked as if he didn't already know "exactly, now it sounds like you actually get me for once" I said making Jude laugh and leaving him questioned. "what's that suppose to mean?" he asked "nothing dad" I said "I know it isn't nothing" he said "well okay I'm going to be playing baseball this year" I said

"why didn't you just say that in the first place" he asked I shrugged my shoulders and splashed him with water. "oh your gonna get it" he said swimming after me I swam and hide behind Jude "he can't protect you forever" dad said "your right I can't" Jude said swimming under the water and away from me. "you little b-no dad my sor-" and with that my head was shoved under the water. After that we just had fun in the water.

"I'm hungry" Jude said "we just had breakfast, or whatever you wanna call it" I said "I'm still hungry, what's hot dogs suppose to do?" Jude said "for a skinny person you sure eat a lot" my dad said and me and my dad laughed "you should've seen what happened three weeks ago when we we're having dinner in his house he-" I was saying but he cut me off "shut up Connor" Jude whispered in my ear and I stopped talking and it was silent.

"aren't you going to finish your sentence?" my dad asked "I forgot what I was going to say" I lied "oh really?" he said with a smirk "yes really dad" I said "whipped" he coughed "what?" I asked "I'm definitely not the one that's whipped in this relationship" I said both Jude and Connor said Ooh after that, with disbelief of course "oh really?" Jude says "you heard me" I said Jude mocked a shocked face "Connor you probably don't want to do this?" my dad says "and why not?" I said "well, if I do recall Jude puts up a good fight when he really want something" dad said

"yes but not when it comes to me" I said my dad chuckled and said "really, is that so?" he asked Jude "of course no-" Jude started saying but I cut my short "I guess I didn't tell you but thirty minutes after you left it us alone in the hospital room, the movie was over ,and me and Jude were talking and I asked him a question I asked him does he have anything to tell me he says oh I guess I like boys too then I said anything else involving me he was so scared he almost had a panic attack and all I had to say was stop that, its alright and guess what he did he stopped, I believe that qualifies as being whipped"

Jude and my dad started laughing "no that qualifies as being nervous and shy around some one you like" my dad said "finish the story Con-Con" my dad says "the rest is not important right now so what's the point" I said "doesn't matter" he said "okay well after that I said I like you do you like me he said yes and we were quite then I built up the courage to ask him out and he said yes wekissedalittlewhichwasthebestpart, then his mom came to tell him its time to go and he said bye wekissedagain then he left end of story" I said rather quickly and nervous. "can you repeat that a little slower?" Dad said

"no, but we can go explore the woods now" I quickly said "oh yeah I almost forgot boys grab some granola and water and follow me" my dad said and we did as we were told. We walked about a quarter of the whole forest and I was tired me and Jude were practically heavens away from my dad by now. "I'm actually starting to. like your dad" Jude said "yah me too, wait not your dad I mean my dad" I clarified." you look very umm cute like that" I said out of no where "wait-who? Me?" Jude said I laughed "who else?" "well thank you for finding dirty, sweaty Jude attractive" he joked "it doesn't matter if its Jude I'll always find you attractive" I said with a smirk "Connor, stop your being really cheesy and adorable its killing me" he said and we started laughing

"we reached our limit" my dad said "its nine and we are not even three quarters through the forest yet" I said "yes but this cliff is the spot" dad said he said then laid flat on his back on the ground "lay down boys" he said and we did as we were told "oh" is what me and Jude could manage the view was beautiful "what do you see?" dad asked us "I see a whip" I said " I see a radio" Jude said "a radio, how in the world do you see a radio that's we-" I was cut off by my dad " I see three guys bonding and accepting each other" he said "you can't see them accepting each other-oh yah me too" he said and we stayed there in a comfortable silence looking at the stars.

The next morning we packed and were on the road ready to go back to our regularly scheduled lives I hope my dad doesn't honestly.......

Sorry it took me ages to upload but I was busy with school and then every episode I watched if the fosters got me disappointed and more disappoint and discourage with the Jonnie and braille situation. But I hope you guys liked it. Sorry if its crappy I was giving you guys a trick

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