The War part 3

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The battle was sucking. 

First, Caton had died. She.... couldn't think about that part right now. 

Then Raina had gotten stabbed, and was who knows where doing who knows what. 

All that mattered that she was alive. She had to be. Auryn honestly didn't know what she would do if she lost Raina, too.

Stop thinking about that!

Worse case scenario,  Raina was lying somewhere, unconscious. She allowed her shoulders to relax a little bit, and laced her fingers around her bronze dagger. She always felt a little bit more confident when she was armed. 

 "Auryn!" Emris screamed about a yard away from her. She spun, and saw Emris with a sword at a large soldiers neck. At first, Auryn didnt see a problem. Then she saw the ground. Tentacles of inky black were coiling from every spot of darkness in the field, drawing where Myra must have been.

"Whats Happening?" Auryn shouted, pulling her dagger from its scabbard. She ran over to emris, and they both squinted at the sky. Judging from its position, they had been only been fighting for an hour or two. It was almost dawn, which meant that they only had a little more time. She looked back down, letting out a string of curses that wouldve made any pirate proud.

Emris glared at her, and Auryn could tell she was demanding to know what Auryn was so freaked about. Honestly, she wasnt really sure what she was seeing. But It couldnt be normal. The sun was already in the middle of the sky, casting a bloodred light across the dunes. But none of them had shadows.

She wanted to slap herself for being so stupid. Of course Myra was going to Shadow Bend. She had just need to wiat for the sun to rise. If she hadnt been so selfish, chasing her sick, twisted brother into the sky, they could have ended the Queen before the first rays of sun even touched the field. But now, they were all at the mercy of the Queens darkness. Her hair fluttered around her face, and she ordered herself to get a grip on her bending.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2024 ⏰

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