Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.
"...Pity, I'll have to wait for her to grow up."

As Xavier heard the words leave Arazel's mouth, he leapt to intercept Nathan's form as the young vampire launched at the hybrid. Jean and Hawk instinctively split their power, Hawk moving to protect Evan and Michael Grace as Jean met the clash, placing a strong restraining grip on Arazel's shoulders. 

Straining against Xavier's grasp, Nathan shouted, "You disgusting fuck! She's a baby! Besides, you have no right to her whatsoever!"

"Nathan, enough. Watch your language. We will never let such a thing happen, he will need to keep his lasciviousness to himself," Xavier said softly at his ear, holding the strong youth with two arms tightly across his chest. He moved his eyes up to the odd creature, who was putting up no resistance against Jean's hold. "I think you should keep your thoughts to yourself for the time being. Michael Grace is brand new, and what you have suggested might be very distasteful to her parents."

Arazel shrugged, causing Jean's hands to fall away. As if absolutely nothing had just happened, he said, "Fine." He turned his attention to other instruments on the wall just as Emil and Malachi ran into the room.

Emil marched right up to him and forced Arazel to look him in the eye. "We have elected to keep you here, and to do our best to protect you from your father. Do not, for one moment, believe you are trusted or welcomed wholeheartedly by every one of us. And if I hear another comment about you mating with my daughter, I will personally see to it you are permanently castrated and will feed your genitals to a witch!"

Arazel smiled, then laughed slightly. "Okay. If you say so. I did not mean to offend. But you have to agree, it would make perfect..."

"Stop there. Do not say another world!" Emil yelled, jabbing a finger in the other male's chest.

Arazel held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Where can I go so I won't irritate you anymore? I see you all need some time to relax."

As Emil's nostrils flared, Jean and Hawk stepped forward to flank their leader, ready to do anything he asked in regard to the interloper. A battle played across Emil's face, as he struggled not to teach the hybrid a lesson in respect, but he also realized he knew next to nothing about him, including what possible powers he might have as son of the Ancient One. He ran a hand down his face, gritting his teeth, surprised to realize his fangs had begun to protrude, as had talons stretched to tip his fingers.

Jean put a calming hand on his shoulder and pulled him back a step. "I'll take him to the floor near us. We'll keep an eye on him and let him know how this will go. Hawk, would you care to join us?" he said, looking across Emil's tired visage at the redhead Guardian.

"Yes, sir. I think we need to have a talk with our new friend," he answered, a wicked gleam in his gold eyes.

Xavier had pulled Nathan over to where Evan was cradling Michael Grace protectively. In order to break Nathan's hateful glare toward Arazel, he forced him to turn his back to the others and look him in the eye. "Nathan, listen!" he whispered harshly. "We will never let him touch her. She is a newborn. Look, you need to settle down a little. I know it's been a rough night, but we need to keep our heads. You cannot react like this to everyone who voices an interest in our little treasure. She is an anomaly, a unique miracle...who happens to share her uniqueness with that odd fellow over there. There will be multitudes who want to meet her, claim her, maybe even steal her, but for now, we need to focus on this moment. We all need rest. Arazel apparently saved all the others' lives. He has at least earned our thanks. It is yet to be seen if we can trust him. Let's find out where we can take Evan and Michael Grace so they can bond and rest. Deal?"

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