Chapter 28.

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Chapter 28.

When Xavier and Marie walked back into the settlement, they were both aware of many sets of eyes watching them. It had only taken a few moments to note the jaguars in the trees marking their progress through the forest. None of the cats bothered them, just followed at a distance. Back in the village, the day's tasks were already under way, but as they walked into the center, all activity halted. Weathered old women stilled their busy hands, preparing a meal. Gnarled old men tending small flocks of chicken and livestock stopped their clucking and calling. Children dropped the little toys they were playing with or hid behind their mother's legs. Interspersed among the citizens, several young people were dressed in bright clothing, their bearing different from the common villagers. Marie knew these to be the shifters of the Balam clan.

She and Xavier were bound to cause quite a stir, not to mention the other vampires she had brought with her. Marie straightened her spine, standing as tall as her diminutive height would allow, took the cool hand of the man she had fallen for and marched straight to her uncle's home. Though she tried to ignore the stares, the eyes boring into her as she passed by made her skin crawl. It had been a long time since she had been among her people, much longer since she had been in the jungle village. She opened the door slowly, uncertain of the reception she would meet.

To her surprise, she was grasped in strong arms and hugged until she could hardly catch her breath. She hit lightly at her uncle's shoulders and he backed away, taking the hint.

"So, you're not going to kill me?" she asked.

"No, of course not. Though I am still angry with you," he replied.

"For attacking you? Or for coming back? What?" she asked incredulously.

"For sullying yourself with a vampire. Never mind, I'm sure one of our males will look past it. I'm just happy you are here to carry on our line and breed. There are fewer and fewer females born among us, and you will have one."

Marie's jaw dropped. "Are you out of your freaking mind? What makes you think I'm here to breed with anyone? I came here to get some answers about the crazy shit happening to me, and you tell me I'm supposed to pop out a kitten or two? You're crazy, just plain crazy!"

Marco stared at her as if indulging a petulant child. "Now, Marie, surely you understand how important this is?"

"Don't 'now Marie' me. I just found out I am a werecat a few months ago. Then weird magical stuff starts happening to me, I find out my mother was a voodoo witch or something, and that she died after she had me. It seems like maybe I don't want to have a kid, especially if it means I die!"

Xavier had stepped up to her side and carefully took her elbow to guide her away from prying eyes and ears at the open door. "Marco, you need to slow down. First things first, of which breeding Marie is not one of them. We need to know how to unlock Marie's powers and knowledge. It would be highly irresponsible to think of breeding her with anyone without knowing what she is capable of, let alone all who she is."

The leader of the Balam clan slid his gaze to the side, a grim set to his mouth. "If it is never released, it may have no bearing on anything. Why complicate matters? Let her just be a jaguar."

"Because she is not 'just' a jaguar, Marco. You know that as well as I. You are not 'just a jaguar'; tell me you are just like the rest of your clan."

Marco refused to meet his eyes.

"You aren't the same, are you?"

"No, but I refuse to release that evil side of myself. I am in complete control over the magic that passed to me, miniscule as it is. Marie can do the same, she may have to work harder, that is all."

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