Chapter 36.

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"My Baby" by Edie Brickell and Steve Martin. You should listen 😘

Angelique had sent two of her officers to the airport to bring Emil and Evan to the French Quarter, along with their now sizeable crew. The group had not really talked much on the flight from New York to New Orleans, beyond cordial conversation. Evan was excited and nervous to see Michael Grace, as she was certain she had changed, and she and Emil had spent the flight discussing what they though she might look like. There was an undercurrent of worry that she would not be happy to see them, since they had sent her away.

Emil sat next to her, holding her hand in the extended length Suburban, and all of their party could not fit, so the New York coven members were in a second vehicle. Keeping their voices low, Jean and Emil discussed plans and whether they should call Malachi back. He had been sending intelligence to them when he came across any new discoveries as he traveled across the western US. Hanna and Steele were still in Saint Louis, and Jean felt they should be brought in, as well.

As the vehicles parked out front of a two-story brick building, Evan could barely contain her excitement. She could feel their daughter near. She sent out her thoughts, 'Michael Grace, we're here!'

'Mama!' was the mental reply Evan heard. Apparently Michael Grace greeted all of them individually, as Evan watched Emil's face light up, followed by Jean, Hawk and Arazel. The last surprised her, but not more than it seemed to surprise the hybrid. His mouth dropped open in surprise followed by a flush of satisfaction.

They made their way into the inner garden, passing through a wrought iron gate. It was late evening, and the sun had just gone down, leaving the hint of violet on the western horizon. The garden was once again illuminated with the gaslights. Ignoring everyone surrounding them, Evan did not take time to take in the beauty of the grand old house; she was all eyes for the child held in Xavier's arms. He set her down and Evan nearly collapsed when she watched a child the size of a preschooler run to her. Emil was just as surprised, as he held Evan at his side.

"Mama! Papa! I missed you," she said in clear words. They bent down to scoop her up and held her between them for several minutes, all three of their foreheads together, communicating silently. All of the others stood by watching the reunion. Jean and Hawk put an arm around each other, and watched the reunion fondly, Jean overcome by emotion. The New York group stood to the side, unsure what to think of the unusual family, talking among themselves. At this point, Nathan slipped from behind Xavier, where Marie had been holding his hand, and made his way toward them. Emil turned and pulled the teen into a tight embrace.

"How I've missed you, young one," Emil said through a constricted throat. "It seems you have taken wonderful care of your sister."

Nathan shrugged, and leaned into Evan as she took her turn pulling him in for a hug. "It's nothing. I love taking care of her."

Grace leaned toward him and he took her in his arms, her legs dangling not quite half his height toward the ground. Their reunion was interrupted when Angelique stepped out on the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Her features were shrouded in shadows from the flickering gaslights.

"I'll be damned. It's true," she said in a low voice. When Emil glanced up to meet her eyes, Angelique let out a belly laugh. As always, she was impeccably dressed, tonight in a power suit cut to her waist and impossibly high heels. Hawk, Jean, Xavier, Aiden and Marie gathered around Emil and Evan at her arrival. The four from New York and Arazel took a step closer, but stayed in the background, near the fountain. "You really did have a family. I can see her mother in her face now that you're here. What a lucky bastard. Now where is the Ancient One's son?"

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