crushfriend kept on the lo

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my names shaniya benett im 16 im madly in love with my bestfriend jacob perez but id never tell him that i dont know weve been best friends sinse diapers and i know what type of boy he is so i still dont get why i love him hes a major player but at the same time i defend him because he was a good guy onxe apon a time but he was tired of gettin pushed n used for being rich im not bt im not poor either

i remember meeting him in kindergarden he was the new kid from mexico everyone called him wierd cause he had a afro n peacesigns on his arm nd bag so me being the nice person i was i got to know him n yea we clicked bt now the hoes who called him names all on his D n because he trusts me they be @me 24/7 to get close to him so because of him my circle is meduim n l gotta watch my bac bt i dont blame him

jacob perez 17 mexican badass im a player i admitt bt i wasnt always one i was the best most faithful nigga a long time ago bt btches started usin me so i said ef it n got into the fanily business the slutty business my father had a new btch errday so i decided to pick iyy up only diffrence is he get hoes pregnant i dont but in really tryna change my life around for this one beautiful girl i call my bestfriend shes the only chica i trust shes special i would murder a nigga for her i would do laps Around the world ten times to make her smile i mean its hard if this life is all uve ever known n was exposed too yea i fucked so many hoes who names i dont know bt i never made love so in my eyes im a virgin bt shy shes nothin like the hoes i date she tried to be tho for this boy she had a crush on n i wasnt for it so the deal was ! try my best to change n she tries her best to stay the same hopefully well end up together by the emd of the year if i break outta my shyness n my slutty ways

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