part two

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prince n shaniya came out theyre rooms at the exact same time and met at the elevator hugged n kissed

same time"baby u dressed nice

same"thanks no thanks

prince"so u nervous?"

shy"nope cause im marrying my baby

primce"i mean about actually sitting down with our parents

"oh the hell yeah

"me too its okay

they held hands n walked to the breakfast hall to see there parents sitting at the table lookinglike thy havnt talked yet

me"hello im shaniya pleasure to meet u i said with my arms out to hug his mom

pmom"excuese u i shake hands

prince"hey mom prince said opening hos arms n she hugged him i rolled my eyes

me"hey mommie hey daddie hey shanique i hugged them all

"hey baby gurl u ready for this big step its not to late to back out punk"

"daddy!im not backing out i love jacob

his mother rolled her eyes n said"baby are u sure the girl looks like a goldigger u shoulda seen her family when they first walked in" i know because she looked at my sister

"mama be nice and has dad called?

"nope tht bum probably gone show up late to the wedding he was late to ours

breakfast was quick in the end the parents hughed gave theyre blessings went home to change n shy princeton got back on the elevator

"its time"

" ik u ready for this jacob emanuel perez?"

"i am if u are shaniya bre'shai bennett"

the elevator stopped and he kissed me and said he loved me

i went into the room to see all girls getting dressed

"im ready i said putting my veil on"

"u look beautiful tt shy"kiara said

"auntii looks sss sizzling" marie said hughing me

"thanks babies i love yall

i looked in the mirror one last time befor walking down to the green tinted limo




i jmped into the room n chnged into my tux i guess the guys are already in the purple tinted limo

"my nigha u ready"ray said


"how was breakfast?" prod said

"good how was setting up thanks again guys"

"u gucci dawg were


my heart is heavy

---------shys dressing room

i was cryin i dont think i can do this maybe i shld call it off

"girl get yo ass out here all these people out here ur dads waiting to give u away"alexis said through the door

"okay okay im


i came out of my dressing room and the camera man was rigt in my face my dad was next to me my bridesmaods n groomsmen were there m errthang

"roc wheres prince?"

"hes at the alter as he should be sweating like cray

"sweating"i paniked


i hit roc why would he tell that girl jake was sweatin

me"good sweating hes waitimg on u now go i smiled

as all the bridesmaid n groomsmen took there place


"you ready baby"her dad said holdung her hand

me"for the time of my life dad

kiara and marie began throwing he flowers all ovrr the place then as i finally made it to the altar everyone made "oohs and awes"

ministor"we are gathered here today for the wedding of shaniya bre'shai bennet and jacob emanuel perez the couple has written there own vows

jacob took my hand


me"shaniya ive loved u sinse the day i met u even though we wernt dating i just knew we were gunna be at this stage at some point in my life you chanhed my life for the better i owe it all to you i love u are the missing peice to my puzzle

shaniya started crying and grabbed princetons hand "jacob i love u i want to wake up everyday knowing ur not going anywere knowing im misses perez i want to know ur mines forever i love u so much

minister"ahem rings please

tyan walked up with the rings

"jacob do u take shaniya to be your wife to love and cherish her friendship everyday in sickness and in health

"i do"

shaniya placed the ring on his finger

"and shaniya do u take princeton to be your husband til death do u part value his friendship love him and cherish him in sickness and in health

she cried like a sucker as he put the ring

"you may kiss the bride"

they kissed as everyone stood up clapped cheered took pictures n did everything as we walked down the aisle well mostly me cause i carried my bride we had to wait outside n hug everyone

after us roc n alexis had to walk the aisle holding hands only cause shy begged bt lexi knows she wanted to


as we walked down the aisle i was so shocked then wen we reached the door she kissed me i was just wow n i knew not to ask questions

"i love u chresanto and i miss u "

"i love u too"


we went down the aisle she was on my arm smiling without moving her teeth n said she still wasnt talkin to me


when we came down the aisle ayanna acted like this was our weddin then she told me she wanted a red themed wedding i dont think im ready for that i love her but naa

when we came out shaniya was getting ready to throw the flower bouqet when she did alexis caught it legend has it whoever catches it is either getting married next or is about to get proposed to


"yall look!" i said looking at my daughter under the ring barers arm along with rocs daughter kiara hughed up tight makin the photogapher take pics of them

"okay can u get a group photo over here please ayanna get in this"shy said

after this we got a limo to take us home they got one to take them to the airport wherever prince planned there honeymoon to

"bye perez's!!!!"alexis screamed jumpinh in the car holding kiara n holding rocs hand


"how do u feel?"

"like i had the time of my life jacob said

more than a bestfriend a princeton love storyWhere stories live. Discover now