At least buy me dinner first

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Verosika stood outside the small, unassuming apartment, her tail twitching with mild irritation. She had been through a lot of twisted deals before, favors exchanged for a bout of sex so that was nothing new to her. This one left a bitter taste in her mouth, however. The idea of trading herself for a weapon—no, borrowing herself out for a favor—wasn't new. What annoyed her more was that it had to be with these two imps. Millie and Moxxie. They seemed nice enough on the surface, Moxxie in particular, but the way Millie had negotiated their "deal" left her wondering if she'd misjudged them. She guessed that despite everything, hell was just full of wicked people. Who was she to judge though? Wasn't she one of those people?

As she approached the door, she hesitated for a brief second before knocking. It should be easy enough., Moxxie had insisted that they start with dinner and take it from there. She'd go in, chow down and then see what kind of treatment she was in for. How bad could it be? There weren't a lot of people that could keep up with her level of... skill, after all.

Moxxie opened the door, beaming widely, dressed in a neat apron that read "Kiss the Cook," looking every bit like a domestic dream. Behind him, Millie leaned against the doorframe, her mischievous smirk already telling Verosika that tonight wouldn't be simple.

"Ah, Ms. Mayday! Right on time. Come on in, dinner's ready!" said Moxxie and Verosika entered the quaint little abode. There was an enticing aroma in the air, a home-cooked meal.

Verosika raised an eyebrow, surprised. She'd half expected the pair of imps to be joking about the dinner, that she herself would be the "main course" for the evening. But she wasn't about to complain if it meant a decent meal before getting into what she thought was the real "deal."

The apartment was cozy, if not a bit small, and the table was already set for three. She looked around and saw something which wasn't too common in Hell. Not just an apartment, not just a place to live. It looked like a home.

Millie strolled over, her Wrathian accent thick and dripping with charm as she gestured for Verosika to take a seat.

"We thought it was only polite to feed our guest first. Gotta build up your energy for later, right?" said Mille, the scrappy looking female imp, while grinning mischievously. Oh this one was going to be trouble, Verosika could tell.

Verosika shot her a wary look, biting back a retort. She still wasn't sure how to feel about this whole arrangement. Millie had practically dangled the rifle in front of her face like a carrot on a string, but Verosika wasn't about to let them see her squirm. She was here for the weapon, nothing more.

Dinner was served, and to Verosika's surprise, it looked amazing. Moxxie really knew what he was doing. They ate spaghetti and meatballs which looked to have been made by hand, not those store bought flavorless monstrosities. The seasoning was perfect and there was even some freshly baked bread. The imps had gone all out. Verosika had eaten at some of the most expensive restaurants in hell and she had to admit that those restaurants would be given a run for their money.

As they started eating, Verosika couldn't help but let a soft hum of approval escape her lips as she took a bite.

"Damn... This is really good." she accidentally blurted out

Moxxie, who had been watching her intently, beamed with pride. It was as though she had just given him the highest compliment he'd ever received.

"Really? You think so? Well I've been trying to improve my recipe for a while now and—"

Verosika, in spite of herself, nodded. "Yeah, it's... honestly better than I expected."

Moxxie practically lit up like a Christmas tree, clearly thrilled that his hard work had paid off. Millie grinned at her husband, then turned her attention to Verosika with a teasing glint in her eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2024 ⏰

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