Not-So-Sober Thoughts and Not-So-Dead Relatives

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"Where the hell are you, Ramona?" Klaus inquired; There was a hint of worry hidden in his tone. "Elijah said you up and left."

"Did he also mention he was flirting with that ugly bitch right in front of me?" Ramona took another swig of the whisky. It burned her throat going down but she enjoyed it.

"Are you drunk?"

Ramona giggled. "Yea. Fuck off, mate."

She heard him sigh heavily through the phone; She practically could see him running his hands over his face. "I'm worried about you"

She laughed dryly, "You weren't worried about me when you killed my mom."

"Ramona. You can't possibly think-"

"I'm going to find Finn. I assume he's at the cemetery. Bye!"

"Don't-" click.


Klaus arrived to the cemetery 30 minutes after Ramona hung up. The cemetery was now dark and foggy, more so as the day had gone by. He's walked through the aisles of tombs, urging himself not to yell out for Ramona. She was an idiot girl; She was supposed to be his idiot girl. His phone buzzed in his pocket. When he pulled it out and saw it was Elijah he ignored the call.

Klaus partially was here for Ramona but he was also here for another reason. The wolves have told him many things in the past few days. Klaus decided to take it upon himself to finish this once and for all.

"Finn!" Klaus shouted. He continued walking through the cemetery to look for his love, or even his brother. "I know you're here! The wolves tell me you've been quite active robbing graves and violating corpses! Sounds like you." Klaus spun around quickly to find Finn lurking out of sight. "Why don't you just come out so we can finish this?"

"Hello, Niklaus." Finn stood at the end of the aisle in front of him. He started walking towards Klaus, who does the same.

Klaus smirked. "Such a pedestrian greeting. How unfortunate those are to be your last words."

"Your hubris truly knows no bounds!" Finn said incredulously. "You attack a witch in the very place the Ancestors call home!" Finn wagged his finger at Klaus and clicks his tongue. "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Klaus frowned. Finn didn't seem to know anything about Ramona. "You're a fool if you think the Ancestors give a damn about you."

"They may not care for me, brother, but they hate you." Finn replied, he held up his hands.

Finn used pyrokinesis to shoot a humongous stream of flames toward Klaus. Ramona appears out of no where, beside Klaus, and looks at him. Flames and smoke cover her, leaving him oblivious to her presence.

Klaus' eyes widen but she quickly puts her fingers to her lips. He sees no more light in her soft eyes.

When the flames and smoke cleared, however, Klaus had already vanished, having vamp-sped on the roof of one of the nearby crypts before he could be harmed. Ramona is standing behind him.

"You lost a step, brother, but then being blown to pieces will do that, I suppose." Klaus lunged toward him, so Finn used telekinesis to throw a piece of wrought-iron fence toward Klaus. The pikes of the fence embed themselves in Klaus' chest. Aside from some discomfort and a small amount of blood coming from Klaus' mouth, it does little to anything to hurt him.

Finn smiles devilishly, Ramona can feel her anger rising hastily. "Finished so soon, my indestructible brother? Father was right about you. You're nothing but a pathetic disappointment."

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