Chapter 3

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I was laying on the grass, the spaces between our bodies were little, we were practically against each other. With his hands intertwined with mine, he leant down, his lips touching mine, and whispered, 'I love you' as his blue eyes gazed into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he leant in a little bit further. His lips pressed against mine ever so slightly at first, then harder, until the kiss was so passionate, his lips starting moving down my cheek, onto my neck. I breathed heavily as the feeling tickled my neck. He placed one hand against the side of my face, and I couldn't believe how good Troye was at kissing. It was almost a dream..

I woke up to the sound of the ringing bell. Troye was standing in front of my desk, poking my cheek with my pen. "Wake up, wake up, psst, wake up idiot," he whispered. My reflexes kicked in, and I grabbed his wrist tightly. "Ow, ow, ow, OW, OW, ALLY, OW!"

"Oops, sorry," I apologised, "but you know me."

"Come on, let's get lunch sleepy head!"

"In a minute."

Why did I have that dream about Troye? I mean, I don't like him, so why am i fantasising about him?I decided to ignore it and continue the day. I packed my books up, and left the room. Troye was standing there, holding my bag for me. 

"Aww," I couldn't help but say out loud, blushing. "You're so sweet, Troye!"

"I try my hardest," Troye remarked, giving me one of his -to-die-for winks, then continued to grab my wrist and drag me to the canteen. 

"What's the specials today?" I asked him as I pulled my purse out of my bag. 

"The chicken burger with fries and a small drink, or the pizza and garlic bread meal, both $8."

I opened my purse, and realised I didn't grab enough money for lunch, as I only had a $5 dollar note. "Crap!" I exclaimed.

"Not enough money?"

"Yep." Great, I'm going to starve today. 

"Here," Troye put his hand out, holding another $5 dollar note. "To pay for your lunch."

"You don't have to, I'll be fine."

"I insist."

I slumped my shoulders in defeat, and accepted the money, giving Troye a smile that said thank you. We stood in line for about ten minutes, and then I ordered the burger meal. Troye walked towards the courtyard to find us a spot under a tree.

I searched the entire field for him, then I noticed him underneath a tree, waving him arms around, motioning me his way. I ran over, making sure not to drop my food. I was almost there until I bumped into Michaela. Troye's ex, Michaela. "Hey Ally!" she said cheerfully, although I'm sure it was sarcastic. She flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Hi Michaela, I can't talk at the moment, I have a lot to do," I replied, desperately trying to escape her. If there's anything I've learnt from Michaela, is that she never shuts up. Ever.

"What's the rush?" she asked, looking back at Troye, then again to me. "Oh, meeting with Troye?"

"Uhh, yeah." I admitted. 

"Well, I won't keep him waiting for you any longer then, I guess," she smirked. 

 "Thanks." I stepped around her and continued walking to Troye.

"What was that about?" Troye asked as I sat down, referring to the conversatoin between Michaela and me.

"Oh, nothing," I said. The last thing I wanted was for Troye to start crying over her again. 

"Hmm, okay then," Troye shrugged. "Plans for this afternoon?"

"Homework, but other than that, nothing. Mum won't be home until late tonight, so I'll be home alone. Come over?"

"Sure! Movie or game?"

"Both, I'm not sure at the moment."

Troye came over my house a lot, since he only lived a couple of houses down from mine. We normally spent our afternoons together, doing our homework  together, studying, watching a movie or playing video games. Sometimes I'd walk up to his, and we'd go to the beach. 

The bell rang, ending our conversation. We decided we'd meet at his car after school, which I was happy with. The rest of the classes for the day were slow, and I didn't pay much attention. I kept thinking about how I had that dream about Troye. It felt surreal, like it was a memory, or maybe a future sight. I chuckled at the thought, it was stupid of me to think that. But, to be completely honest, I wanted to be real in some way. I reminded myself that Troye was my best friend, and nothing else. 

After school, I walked through the carpark, and Troye was laying on the front of his car, and it looked like he was sleeping. I was pretty late getting out, so I figured he was just taking a nap. I walked closer, and realised his lip had a cut, and he was bleeding. I jokingly said, "Who'd you make out with, hey Troye?"


That's when I realised the left side of his head had a gash in it, and blood was pouring out. I wanted to let out a scream of pain, but nothing came out. I quickly looked in the car for something to cover the blood, but there was nothing to use. I ravaged through my bag for anything useful, and then I found my physical education singlet. I qucikly folded it and held it against the side of his head. He held his hand against mine as I was shaking.

I tried to find words to say, but nothing came out.  Until finally, "W-what.. what happ-"

"It was one of Michaela's friends.." I was confused, did Michaela plan this? Troye started talking but I put my finger against his lips. 

"Shush," I said. I told him to hold the singlet against his head while I went to get help. There were a couple of other cars left in the carpark, all in the staff parking spots. I bolted up the courtyard, and yelled for help. It wasn't long before Ms. Lauren, our homeroom teacher,  came out from her classroom, asking what was wrong. I told her about Troye, and we quickly ran back. Troye was unconscious. Tears dripped from my eyes, all I could think was, why did this happen?

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