Chapter 15 - You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me

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Snow was sobbing into Zelena's chest, and Zelena was doing her best to fight off her own tears. Rumple and Cora had disappeared clutching Regina's body, and no one knew for certain where they had gone. Robin was still on his knees, sitting exactly where he had fallen when they had disappeared. He hadn't made a sound, or moved a muscle, and he didn't notice the others coming into the hallway behind them.

When Belle, Ruby and Granny approached Zelena turned with Snow still clinging to her, to talk to them, but she couldn't seem to find her voice. Finally Belle broke the silence, "What's going on? Did you find Regina?"

At her words Snow started crying even harder, and Zelena pulled her closer. She met Belle's eyes and nodded, "Yes, and no. We found her, but before we could get to her Rumple and my Mother showed up. They carried her body off in a cloud of smoke."

Ruby's eyes went wide, "Her body?"

"Well, we didn't get the chance to check and see if,"

"She's alive." All eyes shifted to Robin, as he abruptly came out of his shocked state. "I would know, I would feel it if she was gone again. I brought her back, she's my True Love, and," he caught Snow's eye and smiled weakly, "she's my soulmate. I would know. The queen is alive, and we are going to get her back." With that he stormed off down the corridor, leaving them all to stare after him.

Granny turned to Zelena, "Where does he think he's going?"

The redhead shrugged her shoulders, but Snow gasped, tears still streaming down her cheeks, and pulled at her aunt's arm as she tried to tug her down the hall after the outlaw. "My dad! He's going to get my dad! Please, we have to stop him before someone gets hurt!" When Zelena stopped moving Snow turned back bewildered. "Come on! We have to stop this!"


"Because he may know where they took my mom, and if Robin does something terrible we may never find her! Aunt Z, please!"

Zelena considered her options for a moment, but then turned to Ruby, "Please, if you can head him off. We are right behind you."

Ruby nodded and suddenly a wolf stood before them. It looks once at Zelena, who nodded, and then took off down the hall.

"Well? Are we going or what?" Snow had already started jogging in the direction they had all come from.

"Gently Rumple! Don't wake her!"

"She's unconscious dearie, not asleep!"

"Still be careful!"

"I didn't realize you cared that much? After all, it was your idea to kidnap her in the first place..."

"I had my reasons." She snapped back at him. "We both know perfectly well, that my son-in-law would do just about anything to have her back. Especially if she was the dutiful, and obedient girl she always had been, not this strong, queen she has become. If we promise to return her to him, the way she always was, he will do whatever we ask. Why bother with running the kingdom yourself, when it's just as easy to pull the puppet strings?"

"Yes, yes, I know your reasons. I also know you have no intention of ever actually returning her to him." He grinned at the hint of mischief in her eyes. "See, I knew you'd never resist keeping her prisoner, but I have said this before my dear Cora, and I will say it again. Don't underestimate her."

"Ha. Here in this realm, she is nothing compared to me."

"True she may not have your skills, but her power overshadows yours, and she has something else too..."

She didn't grace him with a response, but he could tell she was waiting, curious to see what her youngest child possessed that she did not. He laughed and moved to stand directly behind her. He pressed his lips to the skin just behind her ear, and when he pulled away he whispered. "She has something worth fighting for."

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